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Rear USB port repair

I have accidentally shorted one of my USB port when tried to plug in the type c cable, Where can I find e.g. the fuse to repair it?

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Unless you get a better answer an option to consider is to purchase the schematics for the laptop. (example only - I couldn't find a free download online, you may have better luck)

They will show you how the port is powered.

If the motherboard board number is NM-A451 search online for NM-A451 schematic to find suppliers of the schematic that may suit you better than the one I linked

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Gergely Hunyady we do need a better description from you about which port and what you have checked etc. I can really only find one fuse for the USB and it's located between the ports. Check it with a multimeter for continuity. Let us know what you find and more information is definitely needed.

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This view is to make sure you can find the location a bit better.

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