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The PowerBook G4 Titanium Series was initially announced at Steve Jobs' keynote at MacWorld Expo in January 2001.

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Why wont my laptop turn on

I have a mac g4 titanium laptop. I replaced the harddrive and dvd a couple of years ago and it's been working fine. Yesterday though i shut it down and now i can't power it back up. Oh the battery can't hold a charge anymore apart from a minute or two

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With the DC charger connected it should start up even if the battery is not installed. Do you get any lights, any tone on startup? If you have an installation disk insert it, hit the start up button and hold down the "C" key to force it to look at the optical dive first. Let me know wd we'll proceed.

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Are you sure that's true for the old G4's? I know that's true for all intel laptops, but I don't that's true for all PPC ones.


yes, I'm sure.

f your laptop fails to start up, the first thing to try is to reset the PMU. The PMU reset button is located on the rear panel of the computer (behind the port door) between the video-out and modem ports. Use the tip of a pen to press the reset button for about 5 seconds and reset the PMU. After resetting the PMU, try booting the computer again.


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Replace the PRAM battery.

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Sounds like it's just out of charge, you should recharge the battery.

If that's not your problem, then it sounds like just a bad battery, unfortunately iFixit does not carry any batteries for any of the PowerBook G4 Titanium models, so you'll have to look elsewhere for those.

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According to mactracker you'll need either a 50 or 55.3 wH lithium ion battery, depending on what model you have. (Mercury+Onyx use 50, and Ivory uses 55.3.


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I am also having trouble rebooting my laptop (1.67Ghz,120HD,2Gb RAM,MacOs 10.4.9 or 10.4.11)

Have taken RAM out, swapped slots, done the PMA(?) reset, holdiing power key for 5-10 sec, ect. All with no luck.

Came back from holidays & it wouldnt get past the DVD check.

There is NO Vid display at all, not even a flicker.

the DVD seems be trying to eject maybe a DVD.

The batt was playing up before I left on holidays, charged to 99% full, take out power AC, at 75% would want to shut down cuz of low batt even though screen display said 75%.

Is there a button to push on the Board like on a desktop G4 logic board

Also had a different sound insted of the normal chime. like a "dong" sound, then the light on the front open switch flickered fast & brightly for about 5 secs.

What is the different sound mean foloowed by the rapid flickers of the light.???

Much appreciated for your advice please.

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Open heart surgery on the laptop to get the PRAM measured 3.8v

New Batt arrived today tried it as well ...Seems to have a noise in the DVD tray its trying to eject a disk.But there is no disk inside.

Logic board ??

Video Chip ??

cable between laptop & screen ??

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