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A Printer without WiFi.

4 Questions View all

Why doesn't it let me use the ink?

I bought after-market color ink and whenever I put the ink in along with the black ink it says “More than one ink cartridge is installed. COLOR INK.” and so I tried cleaning both printheads and where they sit inside of the printer and nothing changed. Can someone help?

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Hi Nate,

There's always the possibility that the aftermarket cartridges aren't compatible with the printer, but let's leave that possibility for last. According to Canon, here's what you should do to fix the problem.

To try and resolve the issue, please remove all of the ink tanks and print head from the printer, then ensure that the ink tanks are re-installed in the printer in the following order:


CLI-226BK (Black)CLI-226M (Magenta)CLI-226C (Cyan)PGI-225BGBK (Black)CLI-226Y (Yellow)


Once this has been completed, please turn off the printer, unplug the power cord, and leave it out for at least 10 minutes, then plug it back in and turn it back on.  If the error continues, the printer will require servicing.  Please click on the Contact Us link below to obtain your servicing options.

Now, this answer was specific to the PIXMA MG 5220 printer, but the general procedure should be the same.

Other comments on the Canon forums seem to indicate that a lot of aftermarket (and even some genuine Canon) cartridges end up not being recognized correctly, making the printer think that more than one of the same color cartridge are installed. Try putting the old cartridge back in and see if they're correctly identified. If so, you may end up having to return the aftermarket ink and maybe try a different vendor.

You might also try taking a pencil eraser to the electrical contacts to clean them.

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Thanks so much, ill try it now.


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