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The OnePlus 8T is an Android smartphone manufactured by OnePlus, released on 16 October 2020.

20 Questions View all

Can I remove the camera hardware on this phone?

Hi there,

My work requires me to have a non-camera phone

So I was wondering, is it possible to remove the rear and front camera on this phone and still have a functional smartphone ?

if so, can you tell me how to do it ? or point me to an alternative idea if you have one


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Thanks for the quick answer

Are you guys aware of any shop online who can do that for me ?

either I send them the IPhone or they provide it without cameras



I’m not aware. Best solution is to ask around locally and see if they can remove the camera hardware. As stated previously, it may or may not work on the phone originally stated. On an iPhone 6/6s however it would work. As for online, best solution there is to buy one purpose built without the camera. Personally haven’t dealt with online shops so it’s up to you! Hopefully someone else has an answer. Best of luck!


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well, this phone wouldn't function well, if at all (you would be in a world of error codes and the phone just being generally upset and not want to function until it gets new cameras)

you need to buy a model without a camera out of the box (for example the iNO is a smartphone manufacturer known for not having any cameras, and the rare headphone jack :0, and not to mention the 100's of knockoffs of it on amazon)

fi you don't have the cash to buy a iNO (its about $550) then you should get a flip phone of some sort that doesn't have a camera, not gut the poor little smartphone

edit: as @glitch22 says, a iphones actually does work without cameras, and i would recommend that route as i can confirm that they work fine, but ive dealt with android smartphones that freak out when the camera is damaged, so i don't know if this model would as its a 50/50 on that, but i wouldn't risk it and just buy a old iphone 6 or something like that and just take the cameras out of that

best of luck!

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This makes more sense than my answer. So yes sounds like a better option :-)


@glitch22 oh i was just changing my answer to include what you said lol


@timtomissus yeah that part about android phones is true, thanks :-)


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You should be able to remove the hardware. Personally, on iPhones a non working camera does not affect the functionality of the phone besides features using the camera. Should work but I personally haven’t done it on that model of phone. Look for an ifixit repair guide or ask a local repair shop to remove the cameras. Best of luck.

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