Where can I buy ACES 50521-01041-P01 FPC 10P?
I was wondering if there is a place I can buy a connector called ACES 50521-01041-P01 FPC 10P?
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I was wondering if there is a place I can buy a connector called ACES 50521-01041-P01 FPC 10P?
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@thalotarutaru at this point there are not very many options open. You can try and find a donor board that has the connector installed and then harvest the connector from that. The other thing I would do is to contact places like Mouser.com or Digikey.com Of course, there are others as well it's just that those companies are known to me and I would recommend them. You can pick any company you like. Acesconn.com is the company that made your connector. Speak with them as well about finding an equivalent connector. It is possible that they can match you up.
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I could not find a place to buy it, however, I did find the manufacturer's page ( https://www.acesconn.com/series/50521-xx... ).
by Andrew S
No idea about this vendor myself.
by Jerry Wheeler
@dadibrokeit I tried from there but they said out of stock on me.
by Thalo Tarutaru
@andrewsawesome I tried messaging them for weeks now they dont reply back
by Thalo Tarutaru
@andrewsawesome Thank you for replying tho
by Thalo Tarutaru
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