Unable to detect any wifi network.
My laptop is unable to detect any wifi network. I tried uninstall wireless driver and reinstall. But not Driver also not installing properly with code 31 error. Pls help.
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My laptop is unable to detect any wifi network. I tried uninstall wireless driver and reinstall. But not Driver also not installing properly with code 31 error. Pls help.
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@gauravsekhri Error 31 is most often caused if the appropriate driver for the Network (Ethernet/LAN) controller is not installed properly or is corrupted. Check to see if something like this will help you with that. Download the HArdware MAintenance Manual from here Page 39 will show you how to work on your wireless LAN.
Also download the user manual from here Page 31 shows yhow to setup your wireless network. Download the proper drivers for your specific computers WLAN from here
If none of this works, you may need to consider a different WLAN adapter or temporarily try a USB WiFi adapter and see if that will install for you.
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Have you tried reinstalling Windows?
by lyonmissions