Power supply signal cable pin out
Does anyone know the pin out of power supply signal cable for the Mac Studio? Or any more information about it? My best guess is it's supply 3V or 5V to the logic board.
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Does anyone know the pin out of power supply signal cable for the Mac Studio? Or any more information about it? My best guess is it's supply 3V or 5V to the logic board.
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Based on the type of connector, I am more likely to think these are data lines rather than ones that transmit power. Chances are this power supply is smarter than just "turn power to max always." The SoC (M2 chip) or other components on the logic board may want to know information about how much power is being provided, or temperature information, or any number of things. My guess is that the power supply only provides 12V power. 5V and 3V are likely derived on the board itself.
iMac Power Supplies function this way as well, and also typically have a separate cable that carries data
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Thanks for the information. Any advice on how I could confirm that? It's interesting that the Mac Mini's with SoC don't seem to have this cable.
@elliot48467 Funny you mention the mac mini. I actually just had a look at the latest mac mini schematic I could find. It's not the M1, but only a gen earlier and the Power supply connector carries 6 lines in total. PP12V_G3H_ACDC and ground make up the vast majority of the pins, but it also includes pins for SNS_ACDC_N, SNS_ACDC_P, ACDC_ID and ACDC_BURST_EN_L. That would be lines for the the PSU Temp sensor, some data that identifies the power supply and a line that enables Burst.
I would wager the Studio's power supply has more information it may need to communicate.
Did u ever figure this out? What are the pinout connections for?
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