How can you replace the cutter unit(trimmer blade) on BG7025 groomer?
If the trimmer head on the groomer is broken and needs to be replaced how can one do it?
Would appreciate instructions!
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If the trimmer head on the groomer is broken and needs to be replaced how can one do it?
Would appreciate instructions!
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@jackattack40028 post some good pictures of your broken area. Let's see if we can narrow it down. For now, you do want to take a look at this video around the 4:40 mark for the trimmer.
While you work on your trimmer, take lots of pictures. Once you are done with it, take those pictures and create a guide for iFixit. That will help the next person that has a device with the same issues as you do. It's easy and fun to create these guides. The iFixit community will appreciate this.
Repair is War on Entropy!
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Actually, my groomer is Phillips BG7025/i5.
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