What does error 2001 on iTunes mean?
I tried to restore my iPhone on iTunes when error code #2001 appeared. The error also shows a picture of a USB cable with an arrow and the iTunes app logo. What does this mean ?
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I tried to restore my iPhone on iTunes when error code #2001 appeared. The error also shows a picture of a USB cable with an arrow and the iTunes app logo. What does this mean ?
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To anybody else with the same problem:
I got a phone stuck in a reboot loop. It would get to the Apple logo then restart. I tried putting it in DFU mode to restore in iTunes and it gave me an error 2001 and occasionally and error 2006.
The solution was to change the battery! £5 battery on eBay and now it's working again. Got me an iPhone 4 for a bargain now.
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I replaced my battery and it still doesn't work...
I had the same problem and the replacement of the battery worked it out.
Restore wasn't necessary, just the Update, so I got my phone fully restored with all my apps and data available.
Many thanks for this post & answers!
i changed my battery and tried to restore its just work ....thank you so much for great help...
Have the same problem, error 2001 but in my case it was a bad battery. Change de battery and voila! Fixed.
100% best solution with out battery change!!
It is due to battery, but no need of replacement...
Yes, just ask in any mobile shop to put charge to your battery externally..
Now try inserting battery and restore will be successful!
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Unplug everything from your computer except got the keyboard, mouse, and Iphone. Restart the computer. If using windows, disable your security software 100%. Try again. If that does not work, try a hard reset as explained here:
1) Turn off the iPhone. Make sure the USB male end of the cable is attached to the system. iTunes should be launched.
2) While holding the home button plug your iPhone in.
3) Follow the on screen instructions to a hard reset. This removes all data from the phone.
4) Try restoring oncemore
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Tried, stills return the 2001 error..
the problem is hardware which is battery not software
so you have to change the battery.
thank you..
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I changed the battery but the problem isn't fixed. Do you have any other suggestions?
I had this problem too. After replacing my battery in my iphone 5s, my phone got stuck in DFU mode. When connecting to iTunes to restore, i got the restore error 2001. After extensive research, i bit the bullet and went to a local shop to have the battery replaced yet again.
The battery replacement worked. Apparently the first battery replacement was faulty. But the second replacement worked. Iphone is back to how it was.
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Just had the same problem, bought a new iPhone cable, didnt work, replaced the battery everythign worked like magic!
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Thank you so much for your help. I did all the items you suggested. The phone Is turning on and asks to select a language and then a country. Then it has a pic of male connecter and itunes telling it to connect to itunes. One other thing. It was dropped in water for a brief second. thanks Maria
by maria1519
I am getting same error 2001 all the time. Tried more than 10 times in the past 3 days. When I tunes reaches "waiting for i phone" the phone screen goes totally black, the the message windows with 2001 appears. Please help, I just want to make the phone work, don't care about the data loss.
by FElix
I have the same problem with my iPhone 4. Did you get a sollution?
by Steph
Have you tried turning it off and on again? Or you can read this.
Hope it can help.
by margoo