PlayStation 5 Digital Disk Drive Parts Tear Down

I have a ps5 with a built in disk drive. The other day it will not play disks all of the sudden, went though the process of reboots, new disks, reinstall, nothing. Device does not read disks, makes some grinding sounds, could be a burnt out lenses or gear issue. Any replacement lens online look to be sketchy from Amazon or Ebay. My question is if I purchase a Sony Disk Drive for a digitals PS5 for $80, is the internal lens and rails going to be compatible? I know you can't switch out whole disk housing due to the control board being paired with the motherboard. I have not been able to find any of the Disk Drives for the digital PS5 to have any tear down videos for pictures or parts to compare lens layout and model numbers.

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Do you want to equip a digital PS5 with a drive? Or do you want to fix your PS5 with a new drive?


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