Replaced capacitor c551, now hangs on first boot screen
As the title suggests...I had originally replaced c550 because composite was garbled and this fixed it. I recently got an s-video cable and noticed I had the same problem. Went ahead and replaced c551 and now the colors/picture looks flawless over s-video but it hangs on the white Sony boot logo (regardless of whether a game in the console or not.) It doesn't look like I bridged anything (I think) but not really sure where I went wrong. Anyone have ideas towards what could've caused this?
Edit: here's some pics, my god the soldering is worse than I recall. Now that I'm looking closer, that glob next to the C508 text looks like it could be part of the problem?
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@hellaraiser you replaced C551 with what? Let's see what this all looks like. If it worked before but stopped working when you replaced the capacitor, you know the issue will be directly related to that. Either a solder bridge, wrong component, bad component or further issues with your circuitry.
Adding images to an existing question
by oldturkey03
@oldturkey03 Just added some pics, jesus christ I did a much worse job of soldering than I recall.
by damon