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Repair guides, disassembly, and troubleshooting information for the second generation Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Identified by model number CFI-ZCT1W and motherboard model BDM-020.

36 Questions View all

Cleaning method for the plastic parts/pieces of a controller

When it comes to the plastic interior/exterior parts of a controller, what is the best substance for cleaning them? Isopropyl alcohol can damage/stain the plastic and so can dish soaps. Is there a holy grail of 'safe' plastic cleaning for controllers?

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What do you need to clean? Did you spoiled a drink over the controller?

Anyway, first I would try to clean it with just water and see if that helps. If not, you can use a little hand soap to clean it. Just make sure that it's completely dried after (with a clean and dry cloth).

This is how I clean them and it works perfectly fine so far.

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The best way to clean a dirty video game controller minus the water sensitive electrical components is a combo of hot water and dish soap, preferably Dawn dish soap due to its stronger ability to cut grime and dirt. Just place the plastic parts in a small plastic tote with hot soapy water and proceed to clean each part with a clean paint brush or a palm dish brush. Be mindful of any small buttons when you drain the tote.

Then place plastic components into a colander and rinse it off under the faucet with hot water to clean the soap off thoroughly. Either dry the components with a micro fiber cloth or paper towels. Piece the controller back together and enjoy a clean gaming controller.

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