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Why is my INDESIT DIE2b19UK dishwasher not doing anything?


I'm hoping someone can help with this issue; so the dishwasher hasn't been used for 14 days due to a holiday, and has been fine before this.

When powered on, and selecting the cycle as normal, the water is pumped in and it sounds like a click and boiling like a kettle. There is then another click and it stops. This cycles continuously on all settings, and I have tried resetting the device. When opened the tablet drawer is open, but the tablets bearly been touched or moved. The water drains fine, and everything is slightly wet due to condensation I believe.

This is an integrated dishwasher and bought and installed 20 months ago.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Hi @jamesw36015

Sounds like the wash pump isn't starting. Place the spray arms in a remembered position (side to side or back to front) and then turn on the dishwasher. Let it fill and then start to wash? and then open the door to stop the dishwasher (be careful, don't get wet) and check if the arms have moved from where they were positioned. It is the wash pump (circulation pump) pumping water through the spray arms that causes them to rotate.

If they haven't moved then even though you said that there is a boiling sound it could be a faulty temp sensor not indicating that the temperature is correct. Hard to know exactly, faulty sensor, faulty pump etc

Try to run the diagnostic test and check if any error codes are being displayed.

Not totally sure that the following is applicable for your model but here's the procedure to start the diagnostic tests for some Indesit dishwashers that you could try.

Switch the dishwasher on ( On/Off key).

Switch the dishwasher off ( On/Off key).

Press button “P” for 3 seconds

Switch the dishwasher on (On/Off button)

Press the Start/Pause button.

If there is an error being displayed, here's a link that may help to interpret what the error code is as shown by a combination of the LED lights (scroll down to view for LED light). The control panel for your model doesn't quite match what is shown but usually LED error codes are in a binary format counting from right to left i.e. from right to left the 4 LED lights (ignore the Push and Go LED) numerical equivalent is 1, 2, 4, 8 so depending on which LEDs are lit you just add their value i.e. the middle two of the 4 LEDs being on = 6 (2+4), one on at each end = 9 (1+8). Hopefully this makes some sense to you.

If you do get an error code that indicates what the problem may be, search online for Indesit (insert error code) to hopefully find what it means, if it isn't shown in the link above or here.

Here's a parts list (with parts layout diagrams) that may also help.

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Thanks Jayeff for your reply and time, it's much appreciated 👍 I've tested the LEDs and it has the Salt flashing (it's full so should be fine) and LED 4 flashing which indicates the thermostat. I've a feeling the circulation pump either doesn't work causing the thermostat to cut out for safety or the thermostat doesn't heat the water enough so doesn't even get to the pump stage.

Looks like il have to take the flooring up as it's an integrated dishwasher and as INDESIT to send me a part since they should honour the 10 year parts warranty (no doubt they will say their own engineer will need to come out which will cost the price of a new Dishwasher).

Hopefully I can access and replace the thermostat from under the door, there seems to be a panel.



Just to clarify, which LED do you mean when you say LED4?

The Eco Clean LED or the Fast and Clean 28' LED?

If using the 1st link which describes the LED codes the Eco Clean LED = 8 which is a heater fault and the 2nd link which describes all Indesit appliance codes, a value of 8 = Heater relay cannot be activated.

If it is the Fast and Clean 28' LED which = fault code 1 it indicates an Electronic circuit board fault or a Short circuit motor triac. The motor triac by which I assume means the circulation pump electronic AC power supply switch is no doubt also on the control board.

A faulty triac sounds reasonable since you said that it ".....sounds like a click and boiling like a kettle." and then nothing happens i.e. water is heated then thermostat cuts out the heater but there's no wash pump motor action -jammed motor burnt out triac??

Perhaps check the control board for any obvious damage also perhaps the wash pump as well



If you meant code 4 (65° - Intensive LED) then the 2nd link deems this a Pressure switch jammed on empty fault.

Not sure what their version of pressure switch means but it could refer to a switch that is used to correctly detect the amount of water that it entering the dishwasher.


Ah I see, so I'm presuming the lights are 1)Eco50, 2)65 and 3)55 (first 3) are constant lit. The 28 eco cycle is the 4th and flashes. Nothing on the 5th. So you could well be right and I need to replace the circulation pump, il check if it's burnt out or jammed - will have to take up the floor to actually get the appliance out :( I do have access to a multimeter which also might help to identify if the circuit is open.

Ive had a look inside from the front bottom panel in the meantime but can't see much so will open it up when I move the floor panels.

Again, thanks so much for your replies! I feel like I would have jumped right in and bought all manner or parts to trial and error.



If the motor is OK check the control board

I was using the user manual (according to Indesit, this is for your model - see p.1) to know what function the lights indicate.

For fault code purposes their numerical values are as follows

Fast and Clean 28' = value of 1

55° = value of 2

65° = value of 4

Eco 50° = value of 8

so presumably a flashing Fast and Clean 28' LED is indicating fault code 1. All the lights flashing would = fault code 15 (8+4+2+1)

Good luck


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Thanks @jayeff , @jamesw36015 just for info I stripped down the circulation pump today and found that the impeller was stiff to turn. On further inspection I found the magnet attached to the propeller is cracked in two places. I think this is the culprit so will order a new motor and hope for the best!

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