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Repair information and guides for the iPhone 6S released by Apple on September 25, 2015. Models: A1688, A1633

2509 Questions View all

Can someone help me with my black screen

Hey, so I tried to replace my iPhone 6s screen and once I’ve replaced it, it’s black and doesn’t seem to work. The phone still powers on and works but the screen is black and I’ve put back the old screen but that ones also black. I’m pretty sure I messed something up with the motherboard because I saw a tiny spark and like a cartoon waft of smoke come out.

Going to say this now I was an idiot and could have avoided this probably by one, looking more closely at the connecters and just moving them slightly, two, unplugging the battery (I was also replacing it so I had plugged a new one in), and three not pressing so hard but oh well.

I think this is the right phrasing for these,

Question 1: is it something I can fix without completely replacing the motherboard? because I need to get my portfolio off of my phone. I already have a replacement but I need my portfolio and like an idiot, I didn’t upload it anywhere because I was still working on it.

Question 2: If it is something that’s fixable who would I go to to get it looked at and fixed?

Also I don’t think it matters but the spark came from the area between a screen connector and the camera connector if that helps? With anything.

Sorry for such a long winded explanation for the 2 questions I’m just a bit mentally exhausted right now. Also terribly sorry if anything is worded poorly.

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On the older LCD-based phones like yours it was not uncommon to burn out the backlight circuit by plugging or unplugging the display with the battery still connected.

You can test that theory by holding a flashlight up against the screen at different angles and seeing if you can make out a picture. If you can, it's almost certainly the backlight. Occasionally they can be fixed by replacing a fuse on the motherboard but of course those things are tiny so you have to be able to work with a fine tip soldering iron.

There are schematics out there for your phone, but I don't have access to the ones I used to have right now, so hopefully someone else who does can tell you if there is a fuse and if so, where it is on the board. Alisha (@flannelist), do have any info on debugging a backlight failure?

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Yes. This definitely sounds like backlight. I can post a separate answer with some details on this. It's not specifically a fuse, but it's the exact same idea. It's a little filter (ferrite bead).


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If you believe the phone is still powering up (and not overheating or smoking up, power it up without screen on to check), you can try to connect to iTunes to see if you can do backup without the screen on.

If iTunes does see the phone you should be able to do a backup which you can use restore to on another phone.

Otherwise you’ll need to take it to a repair shop that does micro soldering to assess, identify and repair burnt components & possibly another screen, or to recover data for you.

Hope this helps

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