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The Nintendo Switch is a handheld game console that can be played on the TV via a docking station, or on the go. Released March 3rd, 2017.

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Battery drains fast and neither joycon detected


My nephew has given me his Nintendo switch to have a look at. The issue is that the bettery seems to drain pretty fast after a charge. But not only that, when sliding both joycon sticks to the side of the console there is no response. There’s no battery in neither to try to re-sync them either. The only way to use the console atm is by using the touch screen

I’ve ordered a battery and am going to replace this, and also give the console a good clean including both rails to ensure that there’s no dirt which might be affecting anything else.

But I was just wondering if anyone else has sad a similar issue for any kind of advice?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Will!

Yeah, replacing the battery is the first best thing to do and see if that solves it!

Please check the joy-con their batteries as well. If you have an external charger, please try this first.

Could also be the rails which are broken and so those need to be replaced. But please try an external charger first. Just to check if the joy-con rails and batteries are fine.

Please let us know how it goes!

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Thanks for your help! I will explore these possibilities and let you know how it goes. An external Joycon charger was going to be my next port of call…. At least it’ll be a workaround if nothing else.


Yeah and you can see which part is faulty! Hopefully the batteries. Those are easy to replace! Please let us know what it is! Thanks :)!


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