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A more affordable, purely handheld version of the Nintendo Switch game console, with integrated Joy-Con controllers and a slightly smaller screen. Released September 20, 2019.

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Blank Black Screen Remains After Restart By Common Button Combinations

My spouse's Switch Lite screen suddenly went dark in the middle of them using it. I've troubleshot the SL using all of the common button combinations to restart it (power; power + volume up; power + volume down; power + both volume keys; power + Home) but the screen remains black.

I can't see what I'm doing on the screen but forward, back, and Home actions are completed normally based on the system sounds. Am I looking at a dead screen or could it just be something that's come loose inside the SL's body?

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Hi @heche

With the the console turned on and no display, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can see any images at all.

There will be very faint if they are there so trying this in a darkened room may help.

If there are images seen then there a backlight problem with the screen. Either the backlight power supply on the motherboard or with the backlight circuit in the screen itself. Here's a video that may be of interest. The problem in this case was a faulty IC on the motherboard. See from ~22:50 minutes in what the problem was in this particular instance.

If there are no images seen then it could be a loose video cable connection on the motherboard, a faulty screen or a faulty motherboard. Given that other functions work OK a faulty motherboard is the least likely problem.

Here's the ifixit Nintendo Switch Lite repair guide that may help to gain access so that you can check.

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