UI update 6.1 more or less bricked my phone

After the pushed Samsung UI 6.1 update, it's basically bricked my phone. It's out of warranty & my network provider or Samsung are uninterested in helping. I can fix the phone with a new logic board myself, but its the data on the phone I need.

Now, I can only get it to initialise charge or boot into download mode if I've cooled the logic board. I can also turn on the phone that results in the stuck Samsung, powered by Knox logo & that's it. Anyways, I know a way of getting the device to boot, which is by flashing an older firmware excluding the CSC so I keep all the data intact for recovery. However, as soon as the logic board gets warm, it bricks itself again. Now, even connecting the battery again but not powering on or on charge causes the logic board to get warm, not hard just warm.

So, now you know the situation. I want to know, how can I best keep the logic board cold whilst powering up odin to flash the firmware? Because if I pop the logic board in the fridge or freezer for 20 minutes, it lets me open download mode, odin & it does start to transfer files over, but it stops & gives an error & that's because the logic board has got warm again. So I need the best way of keeping it cold, short of putting it in ice water so I can flash it & recover data? Because its the warmth causing it to brick itself every time.

Thanks in advance!

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Well... I may have a solution to the board overheating. if you are doing this off of a Laptop, clear a spot in your fridge or freezer and put the computer and board both inside. if your doing this from a PC, then try pointing a fan directly to the board. I know it sounds odd, but it may work.


Ty for the suggestions. I'm not willing to put a laptop in the fridge as that'll cause condensation inside. I ended up putting the phone in a bag in iced water & it managed to stay on to flash the new firmware before the 6,1 update & was all loaded up like normal with all apps & so on like nothing had happened. But then it froze. I took the phone out & the CPU was very hot.

So my conclusion, which has been confirmed by research of this same issue with others. This UI 6.1 security update has basically fried the CPU in a way that overheats. I stuck checked the power being drawn, compared it to a working S22 Ultra I have spare but badly cracked screen & the CPU was drawing more than double the power than the spare phone. Which made me believe, this so called "Security" update disabled or broke the power management of the chip to fry itself, which explains why it gets very hot.

I also contacted Samsung, by phone to their UK office, they hung up on me as soon as I mentioned the phone & update, like the knew.


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