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Released November 2020, the PS5 console features vastly upgraded visuals and an innovative new Dualsense controller. The space-age black-and-white color scheme is a noticeable departure from PlayStation designs of the past.

217 Questions View all

Does iFixit carry a motherboard for the digital version PS5

I broke the connecting board inside my HDMI port when I dropped my console. I see that the port itself can be re-soldered but I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to just replace the entire motherboard??

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Hi there!

Cost based, it’s better to replace the HDMI port on the motherboard! But, you do need some serious soldering skills and the equipment to replace it!

You can replace the whole motherboard, but I would try to replace the port first! If it failed, you can always replace the motherboard afterwards.

You can also bring it to a local repair shop and ask them to do it for you!

I know that Gamersrepair ( sell motherboards and their service is awesome! If it’s not listed there, you can always ask them by sending an email. (They are located in the States, but ship worldwide).

If you need any further help or guides, please let me know!

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