Mini PC with dead motherboard. How to troubleshoot and repair?
So... I recently purchased this Minisforum Mini PC for what seemed like a reasonable price on eBay. Unfortunately, when it arrived, it wouldn't power on. I opened it up, and discovered that there was no RAM or SSD installed. Thinking that was why it wouldn't power on, I managed to get a partial refund from the seller, and purchased replacements. When the new RAM and SSD arrived, I installed them, and tried powering it on again. It was still dead. And apparently, when I accepted the partial refund, I finalized the order and forwent any possibility of performing a return, so returning it is no longer an option.
After doing some research, (which I probably should've done before buying it 🤦♂️) I discovered that there have been several reports of these things dying randomly. The only sign of life is that when it's plugged into to power and Ethernet, the Ethernet lights blink.
I've tried different combinations of holding down the power button and clear CMOS button for varying amounts of time, but with no success. I also installed the SSD in another machine and confirmed that it was functional. I don't have a machine that takes DDR5 SODIMMs, so I haven't been able to test those, but I have no reason to believe that they are faulty, considering what I've heard about this model, and the fact that it does the exact same thing (nothing) with and without the RAM installed. I have tried using just one RAM stick and swapping the single stick between the two slots, but that didn't do anything. USB devices don't appear to receive any power. The power light doesn't come on at all.
In some of the complaints posted online, the two components marked on the picture below literally fried themselves. I wasn't able to find any burnt out components on the motherboard, but would it be possible that they are still faulty?
Anyways, that brings me to my question: How would I go about troubleshooting this thing? And once I find out what's wrong, what equipment would I need to repair it? I have a multimeter that I know how to use, and I'm competent with working on computers. I also repaired a motherboard with faulty capacitors once, but those were through-hole, so I understand the procedure and equipment for replacing surface mounted components will be different. I also understand that this will be very difficult, and require a lot of effort to repair, so please understand that while I would like to have this thing be functional, I also would like to learn how to perform board-level repairs on computers. I'm viewing this as a learning opportunity as much as anything else, so please don't just tell me it'll be too hard and that I shouldn't bother trying. I'm willing to invest the time and effort into getting this thing running again.
Is this a good question?