Nintendo Wii Remote Buttons Stick

Nintendo Wii Remote Buttons Stick

Arielle Sampson and 2 contributors
Last updated on

Do your Nintendo Wii Remote buttons no longer turn on? Nintendo Wii Remotes are susceptible to a range of problems that could cause the buttons to stick or malfunction, some of which are simple to fix. Check the following possible causes to identify and solve the problem.



Food and sugary liquids can easily sneak underneath your Wii Remote’s buttons, causing them to stick or stop working. To get your Nintendo Wii Remote’s buttons to work again, you may simply need to clean the buttons. To clean the buttons, you will need a clean, new toothbrush, some warm water, and a little dish soap. Remove the batteries from the Wii Remote using this guide before cleaning the buttons. Slightly dampen the toothbrush with warm soapy water and brush around the sticky buttons. Dry off the area using a paper towel, reinsert the batteries, and try again.


If the sticky button problem persists, you may need to install a new button. Use this button replacement guide to replace the main buttons on the front of the Wii Remote (you may only need to replace the button/buttons that are causing problems). To install a new ‘B’ trigger button, use the B Trigger Button Replacement guide.

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