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The samsung chromebook shown on this guide is Samsung Chromebook XE550C22. The samsung chromebook 3 ( XE500C13 ), is totally different model. I have edited the title and description to match the actual model.
so what is the teardown score for this machine? Macbook pro 2009 got 7, so this must be even higher with user swappable battery and hard disk. So at least an 8 or probably even a 9 (but not 10 due to labor required to swap keyboard)? Best macbook pro ever from repair-ability stand point, which Apple is unlikely to ever match again.
Thank you for the great guide! Cleared up a lot of questions I had about this battery pack.
Wonderful! Extended batteries are available but often pricey. For phones with removable batteries, this is a very good solution to double up multiple spare batteries and extend life/usefulness of your phone. Thanks!
Whoa, Apple pencil is unnecessarily complicated re-invention of what's out there. Take a look at Samsung S-pen teardown. It's simplicity in itself, no parts to replace, no battery to replace. S-pen is brilliant.