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Hi, I see now that this question is really old and there won't be a point in me answering it. However, in case someone else finds it useful, here it is: Some laptops end up having a manufacturing defect (the motherboard being bad as you described). This is where your Manufacturing Warranty comes into the picture. Within a year of purchase, you will be able to hand over your laptop to a nearby authorized service centre (after submitting a support ticket) and have the motherboard replaced Free of Charge. I faced the same with an HP laptop and all's going well for the past 4 years. I wish I had seen this question earlier :)
Read moreYou might need to change your IP address from automatic to manual. IP addresses within a network will be something like 192.168.x.x Subnet mask will be Try to find out what the IP address is for another device (say another laptop that connects to the wifi) If it is, say,, you can go with that same range and assign an IP address like or something. It's very long. Have patience :)
Read moreYou can try disconnecting and re-connecting the WiFi Card on your laptop's motherboard. Another thing to do is: Go into Device Management (type devmgmt.msc in Run window) -> Double click on Network Adapters -> Uninstall the 802.11 g/b driver (uncheck the option that asks if you want to remove it from your system) then click the top-right most icon that says Scan for Hardware Changes. Now try connecting to your network.
Read moreYour battery needs 'some' charge in it before it gets detected and used by your laptop. Remove the battery, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds to remove and static energy and then connect the adapter and power on your laptop without the battery. Now when the laptop is running, insert the battery (don't worry, it's not dangerous). Now your battery will get detected and start charging. Reason for this happening: Your laptop adapter powers your laptop+charges a low power battery. Unless it detects the battery (which it doesn't when it's at 0%) it doesn't charge it. EDIT: Hi, I had a few people telling me that this solution didn't work for them and asking what else would be possible. I'd like to let you know that an old laptop battery of mine was having a similar problem for its 2nd replacement of a third-party battery (the original batteries are no longer in the market). This solution did not seem to work for me as even after doing the above trick, it would "seem" to be charging but actually...
Read moreIt would be fine, but you can go higher. Also, use the same brand of RAMs. One more thing to note would be to use, say, both DDR3 RAMs (the type should also be same).
Read moreThere are 2 things that are the main stuff that could be going wrong: 1. Your power-on button is stuck/pressed. Try pressing it multiple times quickly to make it come out of the stuck position. If that doesn't help but you know it is stuck, you may have to open up the laptop. 2. Check if your laptop is getting overheated or if enough power is received by it to power up.
Read moreI bought my RPi board from element14 including a case later on with heat sinks. They seem to sell good stuff (when it comes from UK to my country anyway). Perhaps you could try contacting them regarding getting it fixed? Have you tried getting a mobile charger that gives more power to your board (while following the required voltage and current values)? RPi boards are not known to give any issues unless they're: 1. Burnt 2. Have OS issues So try: 1. Changing the power charger/power socket where you connect the charger - Mobile chargers that are made for high end smart-phones work very well. 2. Burning a new image onto your SD card with an official OS from the RPi site. 3. If both don't work, try contacting element14. If all else fails, write to Eben Upton (co-founder of RPi). He lives in UK ;)
Read moreBefore you decide to give up on your battery and get a new one, there might be a chance that you finished using up every last ounce of energy in your battery and it didn't get time to charge again :) Your laptop generally tries to charge the battery + run on power when it's connected to a power adapter. What's happening now is, the battery is not getting charged (actually, it's not getting detected) and your laptop thinks there's no battery and is simply running on power. A new battery will of course have some charge and your laptop will be very happy with it and keeping charging it. This is the 3rd time I'm writing this instruction today: > Remove the battery and kill the static energy in your laptop by holding down the power button for 20 seconds. > With the battery still removed, plug in the adapter and turn on the power. > Your laptop starts working now. > Now here's the tricky part - Insert the battery 'after' you've powered on the laptop. Now your laptop will detect the battery and start charging it....
Read moreThe above answers are great already! If there is dust, do try to clean it after referring a good tear-down/disassembly guide. If there is still extreme heat (this may even be caused due to gaming for a longtime on a laptop with games that need powerful specs but your laptop may just have the minimum requirements - I have had this issue too), either try to buy a cooling pad (which doesn't cost too much and works well for me) OR Build a Cooling Pad (there is a YouTube video out there explaining how you can make one with an egg tray!) Hope your laptop learns to chill! :)
Read moreHi, Turn off your laptop and Remove the battery first!! To remove a keyboard from an HP laptop, you need to remove the screws on the back panel on your laptop and then using a guitar pick (ifixit has one too if you wish to buy otherwise your local music store would have one - take a 0.5 mm pick) pry open your keyboard at its border lines. Slide the pick across and under those lines and you can hear small sounds of something opening up. If the liquid is actually making your keyboard stick, just get the outer border open and then using pliers or even just your fingers, slowly pull at the keyboard (NOTE: Please make sure all edges are open!) There will be a cable attaching your keyboard to the laptop which you can open by pulling the locking switch up. I gave this answer elsewhere as well and it's funny, but use a hair-dryer or keep your laptop under a table lamp for a while to make the liquid evaporate. Please remove the battery while doing so. Kill the static energy in your laptop by holding the power...
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