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Launched on November 2014, the HP Stream 13 is a thin unibody Windows® laptop priced to compete with Chromebooks and the entry level MacBook Air.

12 Questions View all

Is it possible to change the keyboard?

I spilled liquid (gin) all over the keyboard and now a few of the buttons dont work witch is a bit a of a pain when typing on it. Is there any way to replace the keyboard? as it seems glued to the keyboard cover.

Its a Hp stream 13-C080

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Turn off your laptop and Remove the battery first!!

To remove a keyboard from an HP laptop, you need to remove the screws on the back panel on your laptop and then using a guitar pick (ifixit has one too if you wish to buy otherwise your local music store would have one - take a 0.5 mm pick) pry open your keyboard at its border lines.

Slide the pick across and under those lines and you can hear small sounds of something opening up. If the liquid is actually making your keyboard stick, just get the outer border open and then using pliers or even just your fingers, slowly pull at the keyboard (NOTE: Please make sure all edges are open!)

There will be a cable attaching your keyboard to the laptop which you can open by pulling the locking switch up.

I gave this answer elsewhere as well and it's funny, but use a hair-dryer or keep your laptop under a table lamp for a while to make the liquid evaporate. Please remove the battery while doing so.

Kill the static energy in your laptop by holding the power button for 20 seconds and then attach the keyboard and battery and fix the back panel and power on your laptop.

It should hopefully work now. Good luck!

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pull out the keyboard you must pullout the whole plamerst then drop it in hot water with alchool

then let it dry it tested

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It’s integrated into the palmest. Since ~2013-15, HP has spotwelded it onto the palmrest on these cost reduced laptops. The Stream fits there, so the answer is going to be yes and no. No you can’t swap it as a module, but you can as a part of the palmrest assembly. It isn’t just these — the entry level Pavilions are usually just as suspect.

Even some of the thin and light business notebooks do it now :-(. The only thing HP hasn’t touched with this design yet is the Zbook series.

However, HP has a few models on the consumer side which are known to be screwed in where it can be done. That said, the repair is painful with how much work is required to do it.

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