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Hi, I’m Steven, currently majoring in software engineering at Cal. Poly. San Luis Obispo as a freshman. I also am currently employed with the County of San Luis Obispo as a HR technology intern, and I’ve been with them since October 2019.

I look forward to making contributions of relevance to other people while getting hands-on experience with creating instructions and guides that are accessible and organized. I know I wouldn’t like it if I was looking at a repair guide that was either very hard to read or lacking in information, so I aim to be thorough while making sure it’s not overboard.



Making software specialized for security and/or intelligence purposes (defense contractors, federal agencies)


Programming (Java, Python), Cooking, Vietnamese (Speaking), Violin;

Flexibility, Cooperation, Hands-On Learner


Eagle Scout from Troop 698 - Project involved constructing two storage units for my high school band program over a period of two months; with a help of a mentor, did everything from scratch, including project plans + proposal, budgets + material purchases, team coordination + oversight, and delivery + conclusion

Final product of my project (bottom half of the two storage units)

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Breakfast Club Founding - Created a club with a team of peers that taught a wide array of life skills (personal finance, communication, cooking/healthy eating) to other students (as part of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Summer Student Leadership Program)

Repair Experience

Some experience with computers and phones, leaning more on the software side; would definitely like to learn more about computer parts and more experience with constructing PCs from scratch


CA State Assembly Recognition from Member Jacqui Irwin (as part of the Community Intern Training Youth program with the City of Thousand Oaks)


White Hat Ethical Hacking Club

FTC Robotics Team 6282 (Rover Ruckus 2018-19)


Culinary Arts, Cybersecurity, Online Games

A mushroom risotto, one of my proudest creations to date

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Project Relation

Primarily as part of a technical writing course, but also looking forward to gaining experience in a group environment and with documentation writing

Original Joke

Did you hear about the train that went missing

* It didn’t leave any tracks

Steven Ngo








Member Since 10/10/19
