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Hello! I’m Gunnar Hollingshaus. I am a second-year materials engineering student at Cal Poly. I love chemistry and engineering!

In the future, I hope to work in the oil and gas industry. I want to research more environmentally-conscious ways to convert crude oil into usable gasoline.

One skill that I have is that I am good at organizing myself and meeting deadlines. This skill is extremely helpful for staying on track in school and completing projects on time. I hope that the Ifixit Project will let me use this skill even more!

One thing I am proud of making is my computer. I bought all of the components and assembled my first computer in May 2016. Since then, I have built multiple computers and repaired a few as well. One of the best feelings in the world is watching a computer that I built boot up for the first time! Besides computers, I have repaired a few other things such as cars and motorcycles. I also want to learn more about fixing computers and electrical circuits.

As a first-year at Cal Poly, I received special recognition for making the Dean’s List (3.5 GPA or higher) for three quarters. I am extremely happy to say that I finished my freshman year of college with a 4.000 GPA.

Currently, I am not active in any clubs on campus; however, I have recently taken interest into the CubeSAT club, and I will be applying in fall 2019. In my spare time I love to watch sports or play video games with friends. I especially enjoy playing computer games.

I always do my best to put others first and always put in maximum effort into everything I do. I enjoy collaborating and working with others on group projects. Hopefully, this project will help me to experience what a multi-step engineering project is like. I hope to improve my technical writing by completing the project.

A few fun facts about me are:

  • I am from the Bay Area.
  • I have an interest in business administration and engineering management.
  • I hope to live in the Los Angeles area after completing my undergraduate degree.

I am on-track to graduate in spring 2022. I am excited to see what awaits me in the future!

Guide Comments

Gunnar Hollingshaus








Member Since 10/10/19
