This series of Sony ultraportable notebook/laptop things has soldered ram, meaning it is directly built into a board and basically non-upgradable unfortunately. Based on research of this devices, however, I doubt that replacing the ram is enough to speed this device up any reasonable amount. With that said, if you were able to: (1) Discover the exact types of ram chips compatible with this device (2) find these chips (3) unsolder the old ram (4) resolder the new ram on (5) not damage any surrounding components in the process you may be able to squeeze a tiny amount more of performance out of this device. however, it has likely passed the cost of purchasing a used device of a different kind for better performance.
If it happened just once then you are fine. It happens from time to time. If it only happens when you open the game then delete the game and reinstall. If you need help with that… I can’t really help you myself, but there are plenty of other resources.
Probably not worth fixing unless it’s really needed because you would probably have to remove the melted metal by melting it and hopping the internal stuff isn’t damaged.
The flashing question mark means that the drive is not being detected by the computer so yes, there is probably a drive problem. But I am probably wrong.