My name is Rei Lopez and I am a senior at University of North Texas with a major in Japanese. I enjoying building and assembling various things, such as lego sets, model kits, and even furniture that has to be assembled. Some of my previous experience with assembling or repairing electronics includes upgrading my old laptop by swapping the internal hard drive for a solid state drive, building my gaming computer, and more recently upgrading the graphics card in said computer. I also have experience with disassembling and reassembling various small electronics such as game controllers and a Playstation Vita to clean out inner components because of either dust or having to clean out battery acid from forgetting to remove batteries before storage.
[photo 1: my gaming PC after upgrading the GPU]
[photo 2: Jurrasic Park Lego set after assembly]
(photo credit: both taken by me)
Guides I've Contributed To
Rei Lopez
University of North Texas, Team 1-3, Coppersmith Spring 2024