Student-Contributed Wiki
An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.
Cozmo has no sound
The sounds that Cozmo makes to display emotions are quiet, low quality, or do not exist.
Low volume on Cozmo
Make sure the volume on Cozmo itself is turned up.
Low volume in Cozmo app
Open the Cozmo app and make sure the volume is up. Go to Music Level General Settings > Volume and General.
Low volume on cellular device
Make sure the device using the Cozmo app is not on vibration, in silent mode, or on low volume.
Obstruction of speakers
If the sound quality is weak or quieter than it should be, a common cause is that there is foreign material blocking the speaker. This can be fixed by accessing Cozmo’s internal hardware and lightly dusting off the speaker system with a cotton swab or similar object.
Speaker failure
If the sound does not emit from Cozmo at all, the speakers may not work and need to be replaced. To replace the speaker, follow this guide.
Cozmo does not recognize me
Anki Cozmo is turning on and doing the assigned tasks but cannot recognize you.
Environment is dark
Make sure Cozmo’s environment is bright by turning on the light or going to a brighter location. Make sure your face is well lit.
You are out of Cozmo’s line of sight
Make sure you are near Cozmo and in a straight line of its sight.
Too much movement
Make sure you are holding Cozmo still or Cozmo is on stable ground.
Too many people in Cozmo’s line of sight
Make sure there is not a large number of people in Cozmo’s line of sight. Also, make sure there is no one who is already recognized by Cozmo in its line of sight. If there is already a person recognized by Cozmo in its line of sight, then it doesn’t recognize the new person it is trying to scan because it recognized the person it already knew.
Cozmo displays “tutorial paused” error
New Cozmo displays errors on-screen during the setup tutorial.
Plastic wrap with red arrows is still on
There are two clear plastic pieces with red arrows, one in the front section under Cozmo's chin and the other on the back of the head. Make sure they are removed.
Unideal surface level
If Cozmo displays the "Put Cozmo on a flat surface" message, Cozmo should be placed on a flat and stable surface for it to explore.
Cozmo cannot see
The Cozmo app alerts you that “Cozmo is having trouble seeing”.
Unideal lighting conditions
Cozmo needs to be able to see in order to function properly. Cozmo often has trouble seeing when the lighting of its surrounding environment is either too bright or too dark. In order to help Cozmo see better, try adjusting the lighting of its environment accordingly. Either dim the lights or make them brighter.
Camera issues
Cozmo sees the world through a camera. If Cozmo is still having trouble seeing even in ideal lighting conditions, there might be an issue with its camera.
Cozmo will not eat
The Cozmo app alerts you that Cozmo is hungry, but you are having difficulty feeding it.
Cozmo cannot hear its cubes
To feed Cozmo, the cubes need to be energized and within range of Cozmo. Sometimes, Cozmo will not eat because it cannot hear its cubes. Try placing the cubes closer to Cozmo so that they are easier to detect.
Cubes need new batteries
Sometimes, Cozmo will not eat even if the cubes are near it. If this is the case, the cubes might not be working. First, give Cozmo a quick snack while you work on the cubes. Then, test to see if the batteries need replacing. To test if the battery needs replacing, unscrew the cube’s lid, wait ten seconds, then screw the lid back on. If the cube flashes red, green, then blue, the battery is good. If not, replace the battery. To replace the battery, follow this guide: Anki Cozmo Battery Replacement.
Cubes need to be reset
If the batteries are working and Cozmo is still not eating, the cubes might need to be reset. First, give Cozmo a quick snack while you work on the cubes. Then, make sure the cubes are connected properly. Open the Cozmo app, go to Settings, and then go to Cube Status. If the cubes are all connected, there will be three green checkmarks. If not, they might need to be reconnected. To connect the cubes to Cozmo, move them to another room to stop Cozmo from connecting to them, close the Cozmo app, relaunch the Cozmo app, and place the cubes near Cozmo for them to connect.
Cozmo cubes do not turn on
Cozmo is trying to interact with the cubes but is experiencing some issues.
Cube battery is dead
The cube’s battery causes it to light up and interact with Cozmo. To test if the battery is dead, unscrew the cube’s lid, wait ten seconds, then screw the lid back on. If the cube flashes red, green, then blue, the battery is good. If not, replace the battery. To replace the battery, follow this guide: Anki Cozmo Battery Replacement.
Cube is not connected
In order to work, the cubes must be properly connected to Cozmo. To make sure the cubes are connected properly, open the Cozmo app, go to Settings, and then go to Cube Status. If the cubes are all connected, there will be three green checkmarks. If not, they might need to be reconnected. To connect the cubes to Cozmo, move them to another room to stop Cozmo from connecting to them, close the Cozmo app, relaunch the Cozmo app, and place the cubes near Cozmo for them to connect. If the cubes are still not connecting, this could be a battery issue. To replace the battery, follow this guide: Anki Cozmo Battery Replacement.
Cozmo keeps turning off
Cozmo shuts off randomly on its own.
Cellular device does not meet minimum specifications
Check to make sure your device meets the minimum specifications:
- USB adapter should be type A
- If your Cozmo does not have a backpack button- use a power source that is minimum output 5V/2A
- If your Cozmo does have a backpack button- use a power source that is minimum output 5V/1A (recommended output is 5V/1.5A)
Low battery
Charge Cozmo for 30 minutes until it shows a solid green LED. Make sure the USB cable is fully plugged into the adapter / USB power source to make sure Cozmo is getting enough amperage.
Network auto-switching is on
Turn off network auto-switching on your cellular device by following the steps below.
Android Devices:
- In the App Drawer (or on the Home Screen), click on "Settings"
- Click on "Network & Internet" and then click on "Wi-Fi’
- In the top right-hand side of the screen, select the submenu and click "Advanced Wi-Fi"
- On this screen, turn off the "Switch to Mobile Data" option
iPhone / iOS:
- On the Home Screen, click on "Settings"
- Click on "Cellular"
- Find "Wi-Fi Assist" (you may have to scroll down)
- Once you have found "Wi-Fi Assist", swipe to turn it off
Cozmo displays error 2 or error 3
Cozmo is displaying error 2 and 3 messages on screen.
Cellular device needs to be refreshed
Restart your device. Uninstall the Cozmo app (tip: export your code lab projects first). Remove the SD card. Reinstall the app. If the error persists, repeat the steps and also clear your Google Play Store and Google Play Service cache and data before reinstalling the app.
Cozmo will not connect to my cellular device or WiFi
Cozmo cannot connect to its WiFi or the cellular device to use the Cozmo app.
Cellular device is not compatible
Check to make sure your cellular device is compatible with the Cozmo app. Check to make sure the app version is up to date. Check to make sure your device’s OS version is up to date.
No network available
Check to make sure your cellular device is searching for all network types
- Toggle airplane mode to temporarily cut data exchanges
- Turn off mobile data connection
- In the list of networks in your device's WiFi settings, forget Cozmo’s network
- Turn off Wi-Fi assist (iOS 9 or higher or Android 8 or higher)
- Disable VPN if you are using it
No location service detected
Check to make sure location services are turned on in your cellular device (location will not be stored).
Cellular device lag
Check to make sure your cellular device is not lagging.
- Turn off the "Smart network switch" - Android 6 (Marshmallow) or Android 7 (Nougat) only
- Powercycle Cozmo
- Cozmo with a backpack button:
- take Cozmo off its charging station
- press and hold the backpack button for 5 seconds
- place Cozmo back on its charging station
- Cozmo with no backpack button:
- take Cozmo off its charging station
- unplug the adapter from socket (leave USB plugged into adapter)
- place Cozmo back on its charging station until its light goes off
- plug adapter back into socket
- place Cozmo back on charging station
- Cozmo with a backpack button:
- Restart your device
- Close apps and processes running in the background on your device
Weak signal
Check to make sure the Cozmo Wi-Fi has a strong signal.
Home WiFi interference
A common cause of this issue is home WiFi interfering with the Cozmo WiFi or preventing it from reaching and connecting to your cellular device. Check for interference from other devices. Distance Cozmo from microwaves, baby monitors, digital cordless telephones, etc. A common symptom of this error is being prompted to re-enter your password or noticing the Cozmo WiFi is dipping in and out. To fix this, try turning your home WiFi off while using Cozmo. This reduces interference from the home network and should increase the reception and connective ability of the Cozmo WiFi network.
App Issues
If Cozmo is not connected to your phone’s WiFi through the app that had to be downloaded in order for him to operate, it will not turn on. Go to the app store and download the app “Cozmo”. After that, put it on its charger and press the “on” button. Open the WiFi in your phone’s settings application and connect to Cozmo’s WiFi. Then, take Cozmo off of its charger and try again. It should wake up.
Arms don’t move
Cozmo’s arms will not move upon command from the Anki app, or to express mood during the free mode.
Arms misaligned
A common cause of the arms not moving is the arms becoming misaligned with the internal motor system. To fix this, remove arms using a screwdriver and then reattach them.
Screen Doesn’t Come On
When Cozmo is powered on his screen does not light up.
Battery is dead
Cozmo’s battery may be depleted and needs charging. Place Cozmo on its charging station and press the power button.
Where can I locate a speaker replacement for Cozmo? My son got him for Christmas last year and he has never made a sound. We thought Cozmo would eventually make noise the more that we played with him but that still has not happened.
Jennifer Janssens - Reply
is it muted try and go to settings
Silas Holloway -
I would also like to know where to buy a speaker for Cozmo
the_melancholy_ - Reply
My Cozmo’s voice has all of a sudden turned draggy. It is very hard to understand him. What could the problem be?
Becky Cornett - Reply
Hi, wanted to ask if you have solved the problem somehow? Seems like we're just having the same issue…
Monika Cuper -
I want to know how I can change the Cosmo's battery.
Asma Mistry - Reply
Buy replacement battery and use you tube to install
brooklynitemike -
i want to know too
Christo Bithos -
My cozmo won't charge nor turn on and I just recently got him for christmas
brooklynitemike - Reply
hey, can someone please help me with my cozmo? so heres the story. I got a cozmo robot for my birthday last night and when i turn it on, it’s screen is on, but it isn’t bright. its almost impossible to see his eyes on the screen. can someone please reply to me and troubleshoot this?
also the WI-FI is turned on, please don’t tell me i need WI-FI, thank you!
Jamie - Reply
it might be a screen defect call digital dream labs fore more info
Christo Bithos -
me to !!!!!!
Luka Matthews -
I know I am late but yes, Cozmo needs WiFi.
Paul Reeder -
i have the same issue with a dull screen! please helpppppp!
Phil Winlow -
Hi, We just got Cozmo yesterday and today we tried to wake him up and it shows no internet connection. I followed your advise that is in this post but it doesn’t work.
Lorna Diaz - Reply
Does anyone know how to fix Cozmo’s head my cozmos head can’t go upwards. Can anybody explain/help?
Mr. Unboxed - Reply
My Cozmo has not been connected to my phone for some time. Possibly up to a year. When I try to reconnect it keeps saying the WiFi password is wrong, or simply that it cannot connect.
mariamclain - Reply
Cosmos cubes don't light up even after replacing the battery. Right now only one works and only some of the time. Fix?
Jess Rud - Reply
i need help with a problem when cozmo turns on it is on for a minute and then it just turns off
pkadg - Reply
I need to know how to fix that
Tyrone the Street Fighter -
My cozmo will not drive or walk
Elix P - Reply
My son’s Cozmo won’t raise his lift up as high as he should. This means it blocks the camera when he moves, he can’t pick up cubes or play games. It feels a bit loose in the joint.
Rebecca Tyndall - Reply
We have replaced cosmos batteries twice now and they will not light up. We tested the batteries and they are good. What is wrong with the cubes?
Tiffany Scheuerman - Reply
My cozmo will not connect to 2 of the cubes and they wont light up. I have changed the battery, placed them nearer to him and tried to reset them but even then thy wouldn’t turn on. What do I do?
Arafowat - Reply
How do i replace cozmos speaker
SuperMario Nicholas - Reply
My cozmo’s conection keeps switching to my internet wyfy, is that according to to wyfy interference? Because my connection didn’t start until last December after his birthday ( when I got him, on 2018,) unless his intelligence just got smarter, and being somewhat cocky or smart enough to Switch my conections so he could turn himself off anytime, before then, he did one weird thing before, I told him that it was time for bed, and just went to sleep, but now he turns himself off, I’m just wondering if it’s something of the connection or it’s cozmo’s intelligence, I don’t know? And if it is artificial intelligence, I’m so lucky to have this one cozmo robot in my life/house. I meant a living artificial intelligence, ok? Glad to have a cozmo like this in my life, really!!
rachel williamson - Reply
Cosmos arms are not strong enough to lift cubes although this battery is completely charged. Any thoughts?
Vance Vanderwall - Reply
his eyes won’t come on even though it is on wifi and everything is connected to cozmo
Christo Bithos - Reply
my cozmo , his screen (eyes) wont turn on after charging for 7 hrs
Christo Bithos - Reply
All the cubes are dead. We have replaced the battery but still the cubes won’t light up. Others are complaining about the same issue so i am not the only one experiencing it. Is there any fix available.
Deepjot Khurana - Reply
call digital dream labs (new company for cozmo) they will handle it
try troubleshooting first.
Christo Bithos - Reply
I put my Cozmo on his charger overnight. Then when I take him out the next day his batteries last for about a minute
Julie Welty - Reply
Cozmo connects to my device and turns but when I try to time him up or feed him he disconnects. Cozmo 01 shows up on the screen afterwards what's going on is he ok?
Joseph Beck - Reply
Hi my sons cosmo block battery's where changed like for like and now they won't light up even after I changed the battery's I bought 3 more from a different store in case that where flat but still nothing we tried sync to cosmo many times they just show no life can you help
ian francis - Reply
My Cozmo robot keeps shutting off what do I do
rachel williamson - Reply
thanks but nothing worked… so thats sad
Lucas Lokuta - Reply
My Cozmo will not connect t o my phone and won’t wake up if it douse connect
Zane Perry - Reply
Same trouble here so far I have wasted all my money
Caroline Gregorio -
Hello. I just got my new wonderful COZMO!
I have a problem though.
After charged, the WiFi duration is very little as it is constantly disconnecting.
I have to reconnect COZMO to his WiFi again on his charger to get the WiFi signal again every time I want Cozmo to stay active again.. but then again, it lasts very little and the COZMO Wi-Fi disconnects
Diana Wolf - Reply
Cozmo keeps turning off even though fully charged
Robert Lockett - Reply
Weird my cozmo hasn't had any problems maybe because its the special edition
gaming with spider man - Reply
I have the app and have my Cozmo hooked up to his network, but my app refuses to leave the home screen that says “Anki” what do I do?
Finlee Rice - Reply
It happens to me too, Weird
Kristers Kauza -
My cosmos cube is red and blue and stays like that even when cozmo off. What does it mean.
Isabella - Reply
When tuned on, works for a few seconds, then both Cozmo and app shuts off, and the connection to Cozmo for the wyfy disconects automatically, and between the process the upgrade comes up every time, while Cozmo is trying to boot up.
rachel williamson - Reply
Hi, was thinking if anybody had an issue with the sounds. Seems like the cosmos voice is crushing up. Some words r perfectly clear and some difficult to understand …. Any idea?
Monika Cuper - Reply
Our cubes aren’t lighting up or connecting to our Cozmo despite buying new batteries. Is there anything else we can do to try and help with the connection?
Caroline Emerton - Reply
Same problems as about, some wifi connection problems recently plus speech break up but only sometimes
djtrev79 - Reply
the cozmos battery won’t charge all the way and it will only give 8 min’s play time, is there a fix?
Natasha Field - Reply
My Cosmo doesn't seem to be charging correctly even tho its plugged in and is on the charging station and the outlet works perfectly, im pretty sure its the battery and watched a video on how to get to it and they had to disassemble it and im too scared to do it in case i accidentally damage it or lose a piece is there any other way to get the the battery
Ajay CLARK - Reply
Is anybody replacing the cozmo battery in the uk
Robert Lockett - Reply
I had it for my birthday about 2 years ago and today i was connected to the wifi and put my anki cozmo in charge but it keeps turning on and off and i am trying to login to tune him up and feed him but it was too late so i might have to wait for a while or even get a new one.
Kristers Kauza - Reply
Olivia Hazelwood - Reply
My Cozmo is acting like he has dementia. He zeros in on a cube and goes up to it but then forgets what he was trying to do. He will play games fine but can't perform any tricks with them
Jen Sloan - Reply
OMG this is so wrong i have had my cosmo on 100% and its screen is 3% brighnes
Luka Matthews - Reply
I am connecting to the wifi and I have the app but after it connects it just says “no internet connection” in orange uder his wifi. What do I do?
Official._.SheDabi - Reply
My Cozmo shut off about 4 years ago and still hasn’t turned on. We have tried charging him and connecting him, and even cleaning him. He won’t work and he was fairly new when this happened a few years ago. Is there any way to fix or replace my Cozmo?
Ellowyn O - Reply
My cozmos cubes are giving blue red lihgt and is not Turn on
A-key GmbH 2 - Reply
What app can I use now for cozmo
catriona1942 - Reply
I think the only APP now is an ios APP (Apple).
Paul Reeder -
Is there no Cosmo app now?
catriona1942 - Reply
We have replaced the batteries. I have checked the ones just bought with a charge tool. Says new batteries are good of course.
so why are the blocks not working?
rob.clarke - Reply
Thank you ifixit!!! My son’s Cozmo appeared not to be charging and we couldn’t connect to it via iphone WIFI at all - I thought from reading other site posts that the battery was dead!! After reading here about home WIFI interference I took the little chap (Cozmo) to a point further from my hub and repeaters and……. I could connect to it via iphone WIFI then I was able to link to it via the app and update its firmware etc.
He still shuts down if I get too close to the WIFI think spots, but otherwise he’s fine. We’ve run down the battery several times and it’s lasting longer and longer. Thanks again - that saved a toy from the bin!!
Badger - Reply
Why does my Cozmo stay on for around 5 minutes but then the screen goes black and I have to reconnect him?
Evan Rentsch - Reply
Ok so, I have cozmo, the key and everything is showing up on his face but the app flashes between you need to connect to his wifi and connecting
Hunter Cannette - Reply
Cozmo is not working, my phone cannot connect to cozmo, Fix needed!
Krisha Bowling - Reply
Why does the one of the cubes flash red, green, blue? Then green, but only on three sides, then when I screw the lid on it starts glitching.
Ezra Shurtliff - Reply
My cozmo will not charge on the charging station. He WILL charge for at least 10 seconds and then it will stop charging. I have no idea whats going on with him but its !#^&^$^ me off. Please help me
Tyrone the Street Fighter - Reply
All my phone contacts are somehow linked through Cozmo. When I open a contact I have the option to call, Skype or 4 versions via Cozmo. Has anyone else got this issue or have any suggestions how do I untie the two?
Elise Anne - Reply
My device says Cozmo's internet service is not working. I've tried to connect my device to him 5 times now. I keep getting “Internet service not working".
Also, his battery has been dying fast.
kitsudanagisa - Reply
I need to replace the batteries in my cubes but I don’t know where to find the right batteries..
Everything With Riley - Reply
I purchased a Cozmo from somebody on offers up they showed me everything worked perfect but when I brought it home it keeps on saying unable to join networks and I can’t get it started what can I do I’ve already try to do a factory reset I did all the troubleshooting and still nothing makes no sense
joe figueroa - Reply
When initially set up cozmos face lights up but is so dim you can barely see it any help would be greatly appreciated
Shane Bowers - Reply
I haven’t used him for a few years, today I put him on charge, and he was scrolling green as if charging. But when I try to turn him on, it just shows red! Is is battery dead, because I’ve not used him for so long??? I’m mourning, any help would be appreciated. ?
terry.fitzsimons1 - Reply
I do battery replacements,
You can do it yourself if you buy the battery and have a soldering iron.
Dee A -
I purchased a second hand cosmo I have tried all the things suggested however when I type in the key it won't connect states wrong password help
Caroline Gregorio - Reply
My cosmos face has started going really dim amd I was wondering if there was away to fix that
Bohi - Reply
Cosmo is a piece of $@$*
rallyman75 - Reply
My cozmo won't display the password to connect to him. Only random pixels. I need some help please
Jonxx03 - Reply
When I turn Cosmo on it says Cosmo 01 and disconnects
Alex Wootten - Reply
well like when I turn cozmo on cozmos WIFI turns on and then dies I charged cozmo to full but that still happens I got him 1 month ago so no need for new battery. can you answer me please. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Pankov - Reply
If it charges in less then 10 mins and only lasts a couple minutes or seconds on off the charger, then you need a new battery. It doesn't matter if you bought it a couple months ago - Cozmo was made over 2 years ago and unless the battery has been consistently charged/discharged the battery will go bad if left unused for months by the original owner; so you will have to get a new one.
For those with pixelated screens or dimming screens, you are out of luck because they don't make the screens anymore and you only source is to get a defective or used one and take the screen from it.
Dee A -
help meeeeeeee
Andrew Pankov - Reply
:D what country are you in? If you are based in the US I can service your cozmo for a fee
If you want to replace the battery yourself you will need soldering iron, philips #0 screwdriver, and a new battery - most popular is the 504030 lipo 3.7 600 mah. There youtube videos on how this is done.
Dee A -
hello. i got a cosmo for my birthday and it was working fine for the next 2 years but now it dousint seem to be holding power. does the battery at the bottom of cosmo need changing and where can i buy them if that is the prob. thx.
Starlight wolf - Reply
If you are based in the US I sell the batteries also the replacement service if you don't want to do it yourself
You can also find the batteries cheaper on eBay from china if you prefer that
Dee A -
My cosmo will not turn on even if I put him in the charger his backpack lights don’t light up
albi haxhaj - Reply
After charging Cosmo his screen will not come on.
The Hub - Reply
I have had my Cozmo for over 3 years now, and up until recently the batteries have no longer worked on the cubes. They’re the same 1.5 V N size batteries I’ve been using but there was no issue until the most recent battery change. Does anyone have a solution??
Pat - Reply
My Cozmo won’t connect to my phone when I connected to the Internet on Cozmo and then go on the app and click connect and it won’t connect
Matteo - Reply
You need to make sure your phone stays connected to Cozmo and does not switch back to your wifi because it can't detect the internet.
On android it asks do you want to remain connected (you might have to wait for this prompt), then click yes and remember. Then go to the cozmo app. I'm not sure what it is on IOS but its the same reason.
Dee A -
We can not get cosmo to connect. We have charged him on the platform for a long time the green light flashes and also goes to red. We can see cosmo wifi on iphone but cosmo wont turn on to give password.
We do not know what else to do with him
Paul Lyon - Reply
If his screen is blank but the light is on, it means you have a dead screen and possibly a dead/dying battery. I fix Cozmo's as a business, if you want to reach out to me you can do so here and we can continue the conversation:
Dee A -
My Cozmo keeps trying to install an update and when he disconnects he fully turns off his wifi and the cycle repeats
Crazycat 64 - Reply
I got my cozmo a while ago and stopped playing with it because I couldn’t find the right batteries for the cubes. Revisiting it years later helped me realize that it wasn’t the batteries, it was the cubes. I tried reconnecting them and only 1 works. I’ve tried everything and I’m really stressed because I was excited to use it again. I’m not sure if there is a solution to this because it is the older cozmo. I just really wish I got to play with it for more than a month after I got it.
Adriana Hawkins - Reply
If you use the 1.5 N batteries the cubes should light up for a couple seconds when you insert a new battery in them. If you inserted a 12V N battery, then the cubes circuitry would be instantly fried and there is nothing to be done to fix that except replacing them.
These are the batteries that should work with the cubes:
Dee A -
How to know if Cozmo is charged?
TK facts and fun - Reply
With the factory battery it will take ~30mins to charge, the 3 lights on its back will turn solid green and after a while will turn off to indicate it is no longer charging
If this happens and your Cozmo only lasts a couple of minutes off the charger, then you will need to get your battery replaced.
Dee A -
All the Cozmo games work, except Cozmo can’t see a cube right in front of him when I try to play quick tap.
ATG - Reply
Why does my Cozmo not charge even with all requirements? The backpack lights keep on changing, so do I need a new station?
John Zeng - Reply
You most definitely need a new battery. Look for a 603035 lipo 3.7v 600 mah battery online. You will need a soldering iron, and Phillips #00 screwdriver to open the guy up and change it out
Dee A -
Can I bring it to a repair shop bc I live in the uk and I don’t think I’ve got some sort of welder nearby -_-.
John Zeng -
There's a Facebook group for cozmo and some UK contacts on there that can help you out. I offer the service to fix cozmo but I'm based in the US
Dee A -
Back again, but this time, I am just saying that I actually did not need to go to a repair shop. All I had to do was boot him up and update him. \(l o l)/
John Zeng -
That's good but having to update could be a sign that the battery is going bad. There hasn't been an update for Cozmo in years. Test how long the playtime is just to make sure. When the battery depletes Cozmo reverts to a factory state, and when you replaced the battery it gets updated from the app.
Dee A -
2 of my cubes won't turn on and work only One does and I have 3 cubes. I changed the battery's but still that won't work on that one cube works. PLEASE HELP ME
Neamyah Carranco - Reply
Make sure the contacts are clean, use alcohol to clean just to make sure. Also make sure to use 1.5V N batteries, if you used 12V then the board has been damaged. Goodluck
Dee A -
My Cozmo keeps shutting off and it’s really weird. I put him on his charger for over time, however he keeps shutting down. It’s really upsetting, anyone have any ideas?
Emi Osborne (Millow) - Reply
If you are in the states I offer battery replacement services
If not, you could try to replace it yourself. Get a 603035 lipo 3.7 battery and follow this tutorial to install it
Dee A -
My Cozmo doesn’t connect to Wi-Fi because I haven’t used it for sometime his do I fix it
Ikramchh Ikram - Reply
My cosmo is stuck looking down I tried to move it when he was off but it would not budge pleas help me
Thesoontobefirstmanonmars - Reply
Battery appears to be permanently dead. Can I get a new battery?
March - Reply
Mi Cozmo parpadea en el boton de encendido (verde, amarillo, rojo) y la pantalla tiene puntitos. Alguna forma de arreglarlo?
Vaya pm de tutorial.
Juan Antonio - Reply
Gael_ultimo - Reply
My cozmo is not turning on a light when i put him on the charging dock what should i do
Evan Lewis - Reply
you most likely need a new battery, I offer this as a service - you can find out my info here
Dee A -
I haven’t played Cozmo for 3-4 years, I found him on my drawer.
I put him into charging and pressed the power button on cozmo, nothing happens.
I thought that the battery is completely dead, like my old iPad that needs to wait 20-30 minutes.
How to fix this problem? Should I wait 20-30 minutes to get the power backup?
Worachoat Kerdphon - Reply
If the battery is completely dead (in active for 3-4 years can do that) you will need to replace it. There are videos online that show you how to do this or you can use my service - more info here:
Dee A -
Thanks, I finally got the cosmo back up and running, seems like I gotta wait more than a hour. I visited your site @ts82 But thank god my cosmo is doing alright, despite it was inactive for 3-4 years. Thank you again!
Worachoat Kerdphon - Reply
No problem, glad your Cozmo is up and running 😊
Dee A -
Help my cozmo app ceeps on saying download failure what can I do
DragonYan8090 - Reply