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This troubleshooting page will help you diagnose problems with the 100e Chromebook 2nd Gen.
Computer Not Turning On
The Lenovo will not respond or show any sign of power.
Faulty Power Adapter
When plugged in, there should be a light that comes on, indicating that it will begin charging. If the light does not come on, consider purchasing a new adapter.
Faulty Battery
The laptop should be able to hold a certain amount of battery life and power on if not plugged in. If it is not able to power on without being plugged in, then this may indicate that the battery is faulty and unable to hold charge. Consider purchasing a new battery and install it using this guide.
Keyboard/Trackpad Not Responding
Keyboard keys or the trackpad will not respond.
Certain key parts are missing
If you have missing keyboard parts, start by replacing the ones that are missing.
Keys are stuck in place
If your keys are stuck in place to where they won’t type, start by removing said key. There is a possibility that there is something stuck under there that is stopping it from being pressed. Remove the key part, and clean out the underneath part very well before popping the key back into place.
Faulty Keyboard Connection
The connection between the keyboard and the motherboard could have become loose. Consider using this guide to check if it has become disconnected.
Water Damage
Water spilled on the keyboard could cause the keyboard/trackpad to no longer function. If this is the case, then consider purchasing a replacement keyboard/trackpad and replace it using the guide.
Audio is Distorted
Audio from speakers is distorted or produces no sound at all.
Blown out speakers
From excessive use at loud volumes, the speaker sound quality can diminish. The speakers could also go out if they experience water damage. At this point, consider purchasing new speakers and install them using this guide.
Faulty headphone jack (if using headphones)
Dust and other gunk can build up inside of the headphone jack. Clean it out using a toothpick or other sharp object. If this doesn't fix the issue, double check that your headphones are functioning correctly. If both of these solutions do not work, consider purchasing a new headphone jack then install it using this guide.
Screen Not Showing Anything
When computer is powered on, the screen does not show anything.
Computer is turned off
Make sure that your computer is turned on. Hit the power button and hold for 2-3 seconds and make sure the power button is lit up.
Brightness turned all the way down
The brightness setting for your computer could simply be too low, preventing any light from being produced on the backlight. Press the brightness up button to attempt to turn the brightness to an acceptable level.
Faulty Power Adapter
Make sure your computer is plugged into the power charger which will display a light. Make sure your device is fully. If the computer does not charge when attached to the power charger, purchase a new power adapter.
Disabled Display
If you know your computer is turned on first make sure that the display is not accidentally disabled. To do this, press one of the “Fn” keys in the lower corner of the keyboard and then press “F2.” If the display was disabled by accident, then this will re-enable the display.
Faulty Screen Connection
The connection between the screen and the motherboard could have become loose.
Broken Screen/Missing Pixels
This could be a result from user damage or overuse of the screen. If this is the case, then a new screen will need to be installed. Purchase a new screen and install it.
The screen is frozen
Your computer is turned on but it is stuck on a specific screen and nothing you press will exit from this screen.
Too many windows open
Having too many tabs open on your computer will make the RAM work harder than necessary to keep a memory of all the tabs open. Closing unnecessary tabs will reduce the pressure on the RAM.
Battery is low
It is possible that if the battery is too low on the computer that it will work more slowly or not at all, try plugging in your computer and leaving it on the charger.
The battery is too old to hold charge
The battery could have experienced too many charge cycles and may be approaching the end of its useful life. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace it. If none of the above work, try replacing the battery on the back of your computer and restarting your computer.
CPU overheating
The CPU must be kept within a specific temperature range. In order to keep the temperatures correct, a fan is attached to the processor using thermal paste. Should the CPU overheat, the frozen computer will either immediately shut down. To prevent this, purchase a thermal paste, scrape off the old paste and replace the new paste in the previous position.
Camera Not Capturing Images/Video
When you go to use your camera for Skype, Zoom, etc it is not viewing anything - black screen
The camera is turned off
To confirm the webcam is on, try pressing the function (Fn) key on the keyboard.
Camera privacy settings turned off
If the webcam is not working, the privacy settings for the camera may be turned off. Go to settings and select “on” for allowing apps to have access to the camera.
Faulty Camera Connection
The connection between the camera and the motherboard could have become loose. Consider using this guide to check if it has become disconnected
Faulty Camera
The camera could have gone out and is unable to provide the video that the user needs. Consider purchasing a new camera and replace it using this guide.
Device functioning slowly or displaying error messages
When attempting to download new programs, apps, or files device shows an error message stating the device is out of storage.
Storage device is full
Lack of storage on the computer may be a result of a large amount of trash. To solve this issue, start by opening disk cleanup and selecting start. Running the disk cleanup will remove temporary files, empty the recycling bin, and remove items that are no longer needed.
Purchase an external hard drive and import important files from device to the hard drive. This will allow for deletion of these files from the device which will free up storage space.
Too many Apps or Programs installed
Certain apps and programs may be taking up a lot of space on your device. The best option is to begin uninstalling unused apps or programs. Installing a third-party uninstaller program will also ensure complete deletion of these unwanted programs.
25% of my Lenovo 100e 2nd Gen AST's will not power on. We have tried different power adapters, Holding down the power button, a paper clip inserted into the reset hole, opening the case and disconnecting the battery, checking cable connections. (FYI We've purchased approximately 1500 of these devices). Any advice would be greatly appreciated as we are warranty expired.
Arnold Redd - Reply
We are currently having a fleet of Lenovo Chromebooks, the power does not come on nor the charging light, we have tried multiple power adapters. We have tried holding down the power button, discharged the board and changing power batteries but nothing works and still it has no progress in solving the issue, It is only our Lenovos that are having these issues. Any advice on what can be done instead is deeply welcomed.
Daniel Hardy - Reply