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Out of balance during spin cycle?

I have a Samsung washing machine, model# WF350ANW/XAA01. It starts out out of balance, during the spin cycle, The tub moves out of the circle all thru the spin cycle. Is there a "fixit" for this, without a repairman?

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Was it out of balance when nothing was/is in the spinner?


mine doesn't go off balance when empty


Mine will not spin unless there is some water to float the clothing.

Once drum RPM is up, THEN the pump kicks on.

Depending on settings, it will repeat this rinse/spin/pump sequence.

It is not a Samsung.


i have a Samsung washer also i have tried everything even up too trying one towel and it spins out of ballance . i have been messing with a sollution and have come up with a kind of bogan way of sorting the outa balance out so my washer spins fine ...

i had 4 old kitchen chairs out the back i took the back cushions off them took the top off my washer and placed them down the sides of the tub front back and both sides put the washer back together and put a doona in too wash and believe me when i say this i was amazed when it actually washed and spun it first go .. well that's my fix no tec guy no cost just 4 old kitchen chair back rests and its good for another year ... i let ya's all know how long it lasts but its even doing full loads now with no hassle


My machine spins off balance even when empty. Made a awful noise I turned it off right away smelled a burnt rubber smell with a little smoke come out the top. I took the back panel and top panel off. The belt is fine and all appears fine. I did a spin only cycle and it seems like it may be an issue inside the plastic that houses the drum. It’s a dv203a washer


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9 Answers

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Rear Drum with Bearing

If the washer is making a loud noise the rear drum with bearing might need to be replace. On this washer the bearing might not be sold separately, the entire rear drum might have to be replaced. This is a very involved repair and will require disassembling most of the washer. However, the problem is going to get worse very quickly and so either the drum and bearing will need to be replaced or the washing machine.

WF350ANW/XAA01 is a partial model number for a Samsung Washing Machine. To see specific parts for your Washing Machine, please choose your exact model from the list below or choose the model that’s closest.

Samsung Washing Machine Model WF350ANW

Samsung Washing Machine Model WF350ANW/XAA

Samsung Washing Machine Model WF350ANWXAA

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It is not the bearing. It is like out of balance, with a bumping noise. Once the drum stops and the load "shifts" and starts again, the bumping sound will happen again.


You can see the drum moving out of alighnment.


I have the same issue. Bill, did you fix it? If so, how?


Same issue replaced new spider arm and both bearing with seal and I'm starting to think it's from worn out shock asoborbers, repair clinic sells them for around 25$ a pcs


Mine has been doing the same since it was new! Have had a Samsung Rep out, took it all apart. Did tests and said that he could find no problem. Now it is out of warranty a year later and Samsung says they will not cover cost for Tech to return and diagnose or try to repair. Even though the machine is like new, I might have to replace. Definitely not a Samsung! We have a model WF42H5000A


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I have the perfect answer never buy a Samsung washer dryer every again

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I know this is a dated post, but oh well.

My 5 yr old Wf42h5200af/a2 was shaking an walking in the spin cycle.

1)The machine was level.

2) Calibration did nothing.

3) The shocks seem fine.

4) The springs are fine.

5) The front balance ring seems fine.

6) There is no rear balance ring.

7) The spider arm was corroded/ pitted with a small chunk or two missing here and thete and no visible cracks.

I decided to price out the spider arm and balance ring which averaged out to be around $350 plus an additional $6.00 each for the 6 spider ring bolts.

This is a comprensive repair and for nearly 1/2 the price of a new machine, I am going for the new machine rather than risk having another issue arise and have to spend more.

A mechanical engineer with no experience doing hands-on service work, did a great job designing a rediculously overly complicated means of performing a very simple task.


Agree 100%!!!! Samsung make the junkiest appliance’s out there!!!! They need to stick to cell phones and TV’s cause they suck at everything else!!!!!!😡🤬🤬🤬


I totally agree with Jim and Jr on their comments! We bought a Samsung washer/dryer set from an individual who purchased the set 3 weeks prior to us buying them. HUGE mistake! They looked great since they were all new and shiny and I loved the little musical song it played at the end of the two hour wash cycle. BUT...first off, the washer would NOT even get the 4 towels I attempted to wash halfway clean! I even washed them 4 times and they still appeared dirty. Second, it literally took 2 hours to wash those 4 towels each time I attempted to get them clean! 2 hours for one wash cycle! 🤬🤬 After wrestling with this poor excuse of a machine for 2 days, we sold them to someone else for less than what we paid for them and purchased a GE washer that utilizes push/pull/turn knobs to operate it. It's simple to operate and it gets the clothes clean in about 35-40 minutes depending on the cycle chosen. So, yeah...Don't EVER buy a Samsung washer/ will regret it within the first time you attempt to use it!


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Spider arm is broken. Mine would viabrate and not spin fast enough. Also i would get a ND code from corrosion from the spider arm. Metal flakes and grimp would clog the fliter amd jam the pump. After 3 of 4 times doing that it got worst to the point i couldnt fininsh the spin cycle i took the machine apart to see what was causing the viabration and pump to jam up and it was the spider arm was corroded and broken.

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Easy fix you can do yourself. It's the suspension rods. There are 4. You can find the parts on Amazon. Here is a video to show you how.


Try calibrating your washing machine.


Washer drum spins violently! after checking everything else I checked the front screw-out filter and it was full of small pebbles and pieces of plastic. Drained and cleaned-presto !! Very happy


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Try the easier solutions first before taking apart the washing machine.

1. Remove Shipping Materials

2. Level the Machine

3. Check for Overloading

4. Look for Laundry Caught Below the Tub

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Samsung VTR shakes violently during spin


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To whom it may concern: Samsung Model#WF337AAG/XAA

Vibration of drum just over slow rpm.

The rear balancing ring has gone bad internally. The fluid and/or whatever is inside the ring has turned to a harder chunky material. It still moves around but very slowly and not smoothly. I have replaced the rear balancing ring and my machine is now smooth. I hope this helps.

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Its a Samsung 1st problem , if it was a tv it would be great but its not . So get rid of it and buy a washer from a manufacture of washing machines,not tv’s. I learned the hard way.

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This seems like a worthless, self-opinionated comment. There are hundreds of thousands of Samsung washing machines working just fine - ours has been trouble free for nearly a decade. By your logic someone shouldn't buy a Honda lawn mower (or automobile ) because the company was originally known for making motorcycles.


Samsung is the only manufacturer I've ever seen that mates an aluminum spider arm with a steel shaft, to a stainless tub. The two incompatible metals cause corrosion of the spider arm because the stronger Stainless will "attack" the weaker aluminum. Simple chemistry. This happens regardless of how well the machine is taken care of, size of the loads and frequency of use. It's inevitable. This is a Samsung cost-cutting measure as its cheaper to cast aluminum than it is to cast steel or mill stainless. You may be a Samsung fan-boy, but do some research before you say a person's comment is opinionated. Samsung has also cut costs on other appliance products they manufacture (top loaders, and others) some of which have structurally failed causing serious personal injury and property damage resulting in massive class-action lawsuits that have been settled publicly by Samsung. Samsung appliances are built with materials and with designs that give them an accelerated failure rate, as opposed to other manufacturers that build similar devices and machines. The average lifespan of a Samsung appliance is 5-10 years. If you're 10 years in on a Samsung appliance without a major repair, you're on borrowed time. Not an opinion, just fact. Bottom line is: You get what you pay for in this business...


@J Williams Thanks for this important information. I just replaced the spider arm, bearings and shocks. I still have an imbalance problem. Now I'm thinking I will also have to replace both balance rings which will make it a total of $600 for parts and many hours of my free labour. I'm only doing this because washers are $1,500 now and even the new ones are getting bad reviews. My washer is a Samsung WF330ANW/XAC used lightly twice a month by two people. I would definitely not recommend Samsung. I was told that LG is made by the same manufacturer but I haven't been able to confirm that. Thanks to everyone for your comments.


I have bought Samsung refrigerators and washers. And even tvs. They all are the same poor quality and service. You couldn't give me anything else made by Samsung. Run don't walk if anyone tries to sell you one.


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I just ran into trouble with Samsung Washer.

I noticed the washer drum wasn’t centered in the opening. I was able to remove the top with electronics panel by unscrewing the 2 screws in the back of the machine on either corner (the hinge). Be careful as there’s 2 pins that connect the top panel to the base. You’ll have to slide the top off of these 2 pins that are on either side. Now you’ll have access to the entire drum. I found one of the dampers (long metal rod with a spring at the bottom) that holds the drum in place had broken the spring off. I was able to replace this single damper and get my washer working. In your case, you may have to replace more or all of them (4).

Also, the grease they use is miserable, try not to get it on yourself, it’s quite difficult to remove. Must be some 20 year grease or something.

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These dang washers need stronger springs on the rods. If they were stronger it would allow the tub to spin without throwing the code with every load. I can’t find anyone that makes a spring to replace these with that’s stronger.


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Sounds like a real pain.

Mind if I ask a question? Does your out-of-balance problem occur during every wash cycle or only occasionally?

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I was getting the unbalanced code on all washes. It’s a water issue in bowl. I jacked up the front all the way up and it drains better and shakes with sheets but no code.


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The suspension rod springs need to be stronger. They allow the load to compress the spring much too easily. I’m looking for springs that I can put on them on the rods.

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