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Repair information and guides for the iPhone 6S Plus that was released on September 25, 2015. Model A1687, A1634

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Taptic Engine makes a rattle noise when vibrating or activated

When 3D Touch is activated or any vibration occurs, the Taptic Engine makes a rattling noise that either sounds look a faulty spring or perhaps a loose screw in the device quite possibly being the screw used on the audio jack based upon the tear down photos posted. What could possibly be the issue and or fix?

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I took my 6s + to the Apple Store today and it was loud in the store, they tried to reproduce the sound but they couldn't it still sounds like something is rattling, but they may have been doing something because when they came back with my phone they said I had it on a custom vibration and I did not seems a bit weird that I would all the sudden have a " custom setting "


I had the same issue. I am pretty good at fixing phones. I removed the screen and taptic engine device. I then placed the engine in a small container and sprayed it with WD40 and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Removed the engine, cleaned the outside, refitted and the device, placed screen gently on top and turned on device. No harsh or rattling sounds any more. Refitted the screen properly. Perfect.


I had this same issue with my 6s+. I opened my phone up and realized that the one screw holding the Taptic device was very lose, so I tightened it and never an issue again. :)


Same issue I just got my iPhone 8 Plus this week and it dropped on the floor and ever since it has been making this noise ur describing and I can also feel it too on my screen when I scroll down and swipe anything


I have this very same issue on my iPhone 8 Plus after it dropped on the floor. What should I do?


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Hey guys, I just had this same problem with my 6s+. I literally just beat it a little against my hand on the bottom corner opposite of my audio jack. It lowered the rattling the first time and the second time I did it, it cleared the rattling. It's definitely something loose, so maybe if you can lodge it back how I did you'll be alright lol.

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Worked for me!


Worked for me too.. thanks for the simplest fix ....

Beating Bottom corner opposite to audio jack against palm a couple of times solved the issue. Lol !!


Worked Well


rly works. Tnx!) I thought to change the module)


It’s even worse now lol


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This is obviously a brand new device, I would not be attempting to fix this issue. I would return it for a replacement.

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I had this issue and could reproduce it by just activating the vibrate (e.g. fipping the silent switch off then on again). You're right, it does sound like something is loose and rattling around in there. When I flipped my 6S upside down and shook it, the loose bit seemed to lodge in. The rattle has since gone away. If it returns and I can reproduce it again, I'll just have the apple store swap it out.

Note: this was a problem on the iPhone 6 as well. People had trouble reproducing it in the store for apple employees because of the crowd noise level in Apple stores. So, if you want to get your phone replaced, show up when the Apple store opens and make sure it is quiet enough to hear the issue.

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I HAD THE EXACT ISSUE with my 6S Plus RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX & just figured it was because it was an “insurance replacement”, meaning “refurbished” so that’s only typical, through AT&T because mine got stolen and it’s never gone away?!


I have to say I did not think this would work. My husband has a 7 plus and the home button and the vibrate rattling was driving us crazy. Literally banged the phone upside down on my hand maybe eight times. Worked like a charm. Thank you!!


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Blown engine...

Okay, I know the sound you're talking about. I tried everything! I plugged in the lightening connecter. Plugged in headphones. Nothing helped this awful sound. It got a lot worse as time passed. When I 3D touched an app that didn't support it and the Taptic Engine made the 3 short taps, I never got the sound. By the time of writing this, the iPhone 6s Plus was doing it even then.

What I heard was a buzz, that while constant did have some come and go as far as loudness. It didn't start this way, but it was acquired with time. Over the course of having the phone for a little over a week. All down hill. The sound only happened while the phone was laying down, screen facing up.

My best words would be to really put your Taptic Engine to the test before you decide your new iPhone 6s Plus is for you.

Create a custom vibration tone for one of your contacts. Really lay on it. Have no mercy. I feel like if it's going to break, it will be during this time. Replay a few times, over a few days. You have 14 days I believe. If Apple sees your issues is covered (Mine was) then you have a year.

I can admit. I was amazed by the Taptic Engine. I 3D touched a lot of apps that didn't support it. The bumps, the tiny feedback taps had me in awe. Maybe I broke my iPhone with my child like appreciation for it. To be honest, it's very highly unlikely.

I do feel like this problem needs a bit more attention.

The lady I talked to with AppleCare had this problem earlier that day. I do have a friend who works at an Apple Retail Store. She hadn't heard of it. I believe it's a small, isolated problem only discovered by widespread means of communication. It should still be taken seriously, I mean did we blow our (Taptic) engines guys?

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I have this issue to. If i look at the display there the vibration makes an unhealthy noise. Easy to reproduce with custom (permanent) vibrtation for messages. If the display is upside down the noise is gone. Support say I have to wait up to three weeks for a replacment phone...

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I have this problem too and it is making me crazy because I can't go to Apple Store and change my iPhone. I tried something and Maybe it could help others. Every time I bring a small magnet near to my phone exactly left to home button, rattle noise will be gone.

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A wonderfull thing happens to my iPhone, After upgrading to iOS 9.2.1, the rattle noise is gone. I can't believe it and I try it every 5 minutes but there is no noise any more.


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I had this issue a couple months back and had decided to follow this thread. I got my phone fixed a few days after I noticed the issue.

The issue was that a small component holding the Taptic Engine in place was loose and out of place. It was a simple fix, but compromised the phone’s water resistance. This is because Apple service centers in my country don’t fix these issues, so I had to go to a third party repair store (where obviously, replacing water resistance seals isn’t available). If you live in a country where official Apple stores exist, you should get your phone fixed there. Either way, it was a simple and rather inexpensive fix.

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Beating the phone against your hand is only a temporary fix. The issue is with a part that holds the Taptic Engine in place. When the part gets loose/dislocated, the rattling sound occurs. I think it’s best to just take it to an Apple Store and have them fix it. I took mine to a third party store (because I don’t have Apple stores in my country, and the authorized service centers don’t fix these issues), but my phone’s fine now. It was a really simple fix.

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Hmm, I tried shaking it as you have down but to no avail and apple care is as good as oblivious to acknowledging the issue. I may just have to visit a retain store much to my dismay as they tend to mistreat your current device then if they do issue a replacement and that has an issue of some sort, they are reluctant and often refuse to issue another. It's a headache inducing process I would rather avoid but the rattle is audible in a quiet setting so it seems inevitable. Hopefully you were able to solve your rattling indefinitely without having to haggle with the Apple Store at a later date. Another 6s plus device that my sister owns makes a similar rattle so I'm not certain if it's a loose component or simply a faulty Taptic Engine.

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How loud does it sound to you guys? I've been wondering if it's just my imagination. It's like this weird chch that shouldn't be there.

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VERY LOUD like people around me start looking at me every time i press my home button or swipe


I have the same chch sound as well. It is very obvious and loud. Trying to fix it now.


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The noise I heard was more of a 'pinging' or rattling noise. Fortunately, I was able to simply exchange my device on the last day of my return window. The new device seems fine overall with a small clink noise to the vibrator but after listening to yet another 6S + vibrator, the clink seems to be 'normal', If your vibrator makes a fairly audible noise, most certainly call applecare (despite how cumbersome and unwilling to help they may seem) and they may be able to reserve a new device at a store nearby as a one time courtesy. Just be sure to ask for a senior apple adviser.

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I'm glad you got another device Joe! I totally agree about Apple Genius

mistreating your devices though. I've gone as far as bringing in Mouse Pads and telling them they can only handle the device in view of me, over the mouse pad. I call them out for being the destructive jerks they are. Clearly I've stopped visiting Apple Retail Stores. I do everything over the phone, with Apple Care. They hate that I won't go to a retail store. The retail stores are broken, busy and the people are often stressed.


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I've been living this taptic engine buzzing issue for about 1 week. It is like the engine is loose in the iPhone and hits whatever around it and it is a really disturbing sound. The sound changes according to how you hold your phone( if the phone is vertical the sound softens but if the phone is another angle the sounds really makes you feel bad. So guys, i wonder that how Apple treats the customers who live this issue. I mean what they do about it? Changing the taptic engine or replacing the iPhone?? Thank you all :)

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Looks like everyone here has been getting devices replaced with AppleCare, Joseph.

I called over the phone and they offered me a express replacement.

Where they put a hold on my credit card for the retail amount of an iPhone.

Then sent me a new iPhone.

I shipped back the old and broken one.

They removed the hold on my card. It was really easy.

There is a $29 charge you must pay for this service though.


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Have anyone tried to open the iPhone with this issue and looked if any screw is loose or something else around it?

Because I have the exact same issue but I'm in VietNam and my iPhone 6s plus was bought in US, so i don't have a chance to contact Apple Store. Please help me!

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A note for future reference, if you want the device to vibrate for longer to show the issue to someone go into making a custom vibration and just hold it down so that the taptic engine vibrates non stop for a few seconds, this should make it more obvious

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This is the worst rattle I have ever heard LOL

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That's the sound!


yes, that is it!


Yup, that's exactly what's happening to mine.


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I had the same issue. The vibration is too loud while holding it vertically and the noise will fade as you turn it upside down. I went to apple service centre today and without a doubt they replaced my phone within an hour. :)

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I recently experienced the same issue and immediately checked the internet. Soon after I called Apple support. (The best symptom description was from John Stein's video provided on this thread.) They did their remote testing of my iPhone 6s Plus (128GB) and basically offered to make an appointment at the Genius Bar or send me a (new) replacement device. I opted for them to send me a replacement device, which required me to provide a credit card (hold the value of the phone on the card until the old one is received). I have yet to receive the new device, but it seems if Apple can't see any physical damage to the device they're going to replace it via the warranty.

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I had the same problem with the iPhone 6s 64gb gold

I gave my iPhone AppStore to my by a phone replaced with a new, one week. And said that could not be repaired.

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I have had the same problem and I have had my phone since November and it started to do this yesterday but it is constant and only when the phone is on and powered up. Should I see the apple company

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when i drop mine it mess up it dose that rattling

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Same issue here, facing screen down No problem but when its facing up it makes the rattle sound. Also when i lightly smash it against my hand ( facing screen up) it kinda sounds like its loose and just rotates and it isn't in his place anymore.

I have no AppleCare, i think I'm just gonna go to the Apple store see what they can do

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For me, to reproduce the sound, it has to be in landscape and tilted a little backwards as if you were watching a video or something.

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I am here on ifixit Page to found the Fix, Considering that lot many people had this issue with their Phones.. does not make this curable itself.

Now since Apple won't entertain the out of warranty 6S Plus phone, what are the option we are left with ?

How do we fix it ? Change the Vibrator motor available in many of the Spare parts portals or is it something else which requires the fix.

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hello guys, you have to disassembly IPHONE 6s PLUS first. You can look at the address in the ifixit site for this process. address is here iPhone 6s Plus Taptic Engine Replacement

Then remove the screw marked on the left side of the picture. place a soft material under the screw. isolate it on the side of the headphone jack. then complete the assembly again. then you will see that the problem is resolved.

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Simple solution.

Take iphone and hit it sideways in something soft( your leg).

Repeat so many times until your taptick feedback feels right.

I try to tighten the screws around taptic engine, but that has no effect.

Until i tried this :)


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Whenever I drop my phone accidentally this rattling noise reoccurs, thanks to spigen armour case it saved the phone !&&* number of times, this sounds crazy but I intentionally dropped the phone the sound is gone.. but be careful make sure you have good protective case drop it from a hand level 1-2 feet !&&* yaa it worked for me this time too..this trick is for out of warranty phones only.. dont curse me if something goes wrong. Remember only try this trick when you have a good armour case

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This happens because of a loose component holding the vibration motor. While tapping the phone does work, for me, it was only a temporary solution. The issue inevitably got more serious, and I’d end up beating the phone against my hand (not even tapping, at this point) every 1-2 minutes of using the phone. It was impossible to continue using the phone this way, so I took it to a third party service center (because authorized service centers in India suck and they refused to fix the issue) and had the issue fixed in 10 min and it cost me close to nothing.

It’s an easy fix, all you need is to tighten the loose component/screw, so I suggest taking the phone in to a service center or repair shop to fix the issue for good.

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Restarted the phone… issue gone

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Same happened with me.

I submitted my iPhone to the apple service center so they ultimately replaced my device’s Taptic engine which was faulty

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I had this same issue with my 7+. I opened my phone up and realized that the one screw holding the Taptic device was very lose, so I tightened it but after 1week started doing the same thing.

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