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Repair guides and support for the ZTE n817, also known as the ZTE Quest.

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How to root my ZTE n817 android phone

I need help rooting my ZTE n817 android phone without using a PC

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I want to unlock this type of phone using a PC


This is a simple phone for rooted

just download android Genius Root APk

install on your device

open root genius apk

easy root your device

For details:


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please let me know if you try using the method... Unfortunately my kids do not allow me the time to try so I have to make a time but I need to know if it will work "Download and install RommasterSu zip below and install it and gain root. It is in chinese and will install proper root using a superuser app they like to call "Kinguser". Dont worry about all the chinese you see..just click the few prompts you see by selecting the buttons that are blue and on right hand side of screen at the bottom..then you will see a little red root button next to a small cartoon character,pick it to gain root..once root is gained move to step two.

2. Download and prepare to install [Root] Rashr below by first downloading TWRP Recovery from here on the forums. Once you have the recovery downloaded and in the root of your sdcard,install this app. You will be first prompted with a disclaimer,select "I know the risk" option and then select the big "recovery" button,and then select "Other from storage" select recovery.img [this is your recovery image,be sure to extract it from any zip it may be in,Rashr will need the base recovery img file]from your sdcard and allow the app to flash it,once the app flashes the recovery img it will offer the option to boot in to recovery.. Go ahead and reboot in to recovery and move on to step 3.

3. Once in recovery backup your current rom. Once that is done perform a wipe of cache,dalvik-cache,data,internal storage and system,and finally install rom of your choice and reboot. (Already have one downloaded and ready to try out..) I would suggest something like L Awe rom as something to begin with and you wont be disappointed. It is a well made custom stock rom.

edit: the zips proivided need to be extracted...use an app like root explorer.

also i made this guide after several failed attempts at using the pc methods on xp,vista and windows 7 devices..there was always some conflict between the phones drivers and pdanet on vista and windows 7 and xp refused to sideload anything on my pc and caused the pc to reboot when attempting to sideload...usb if you do encounter any issues on your windows devices..this might be just what you are looking for "

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Romastersu apk


You talk about TWRP here form where ? Download . I already rooted and need recovery TWRP. Even TWRP official web site I didn't find n817 for you made your own TWRP for ZTE n817 ? Where is download link twrp


I am a Sr. XDA member and owner of EquiModz ROMz and did a lot of initial development work on the rooting, unbricking, and ROM's for these. There is a special TWRP written for these. It cannot 'see' the SD card however. Your 1st Nandroid Backup is abt 1.5 gb. There isn't enough internal space to store it either and as of a few months ago, noone had any success sideloading or pushing an image onto it.

Also, you'll want to get rid of that piece of crap malware known as Kingroot and replace their Kinguser SU with Supersu or another superuser.

Be warned, the excellent Chinese programmers who work on this info stealing malware don't want you to have SU access, so you may brick your phone. That's fixable by a factory reset though

I haven't worked on this project since last summer so some of this info may be outdated


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Can you please help me root my ZTE 817 I want better wi Fi data and I want it to work faster.

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Just king root and USB options you have to switch from.charge mode from install driver and root n817 in no time

I only try with PC and worked first time


How do you get the code FTM off and unfreeze screen?


read the instructions on the &&^&^$^ screen. long hold the power button.


i want better Wi-Fi for my phone


This is how you repair a ZTE n817. Take that P.O.S. back to where you got it, demand a FULL refund, take that money and put it towards a decent, respectable phone from a decent, respectable company


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RommasterSu.apk does NOT root the ZTE n817

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ZTE n817 free phone I need TWRP recovery.form someone write about rooting with TWRP . I didn't find he talk about TWRP download for n817. I already root and need recovery likes TWRP or CM

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how did you root it?


This is from xda forum. I tried it and it worked. Now I could link my apps to the SD card and install many apps.



ADB Drivers -

ADB Shell (guide and download) -

kingo root -

Step 2: Command Prompt with ADB

run the CMD with admistrator privileges and use the following commands -

adb devices

[hit enter]

adb reboot disemmcwp

[Your device will now reboot with some extra write permissions]

install and run KINGO ROOT! (Yes, it's kingO root, not King) on your pc.


Now we need a custom recovery for it!

PS: o/! Dont try link2sd , because it #$&*#&(*@^*$ your apks, and you can't find it in the 2nd partition.


I go by rb2tfm @xda forums where this post / reply is from. These instructions, if followed correctly, DOES work 100%. Just a few hours ago ZTE Quest - n8717 - KK 4.4.4.. / Rooted. After rooting I installed eu.chainfire.supersu_2.79-SR3, the first time it tried to update the binaries I chose 'Normal' method and about 1 minute later it failed so I manually rebooted. After reboot I uninstalled the Kingo SuperUser with root app delete from the playstore and rebooted again. After reboot SuperSU took it's place so I opened it and configured the settings - All 100-% / Rooted.


Thanks so much, this is what actually works out of all this horse $@$*!


CMD says my device is offline after running adb reboot disemmcwp. What should I do?


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I've tried everything nothing works can't root my ZTE now817 can you help me

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Have you tried the instruction on this page using kingo app root? I used that method and I successfully rooted my phone. Follow the instructions from the xda forums using Kingo root. Hope it helps


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My phone like keeps turning off

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i can not get my phone off of double tap voice command?

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i dont have a answer i have a qusetion, i dont know how to fix my ZTE, it got wet and now the screen just stays black, it comes on but i cant do anything. my phone is a government phone.

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Try putting it in a bag of minute rice, completely surrounding the phone on all sides, with the battery out, for 3-4 days and that ought to do the trick. I dropped my phone in a glass of root beer and did the above and it works perfectly fine now.


Get Strong Vacuum Cleaner And Suck out every hole in the phone you can find for several several minutes each...has worked for me in some models...just a thought


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having trouble with firmware keeps saying unsussful instill, then shut power off

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polease help me make my zte827 a better phone data and wi fi and faster

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OK, follow these steps for a better, faster phone. Take that P.O.S phone back to where you got it. DEMAND a full refund!!! Take that money and apply it to a good, respectable phone from a good, respectable company.


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i'm trying to intsall internet wifi to ZTE N 817 internet wifi already connect to phone but want stay in the phone

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this is no help thank you


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how do i root phone without using pC

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I got a zte max duo z963vl trying to root with no PC don't have access I've tried most can't find one that works plz help thanks


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I have recently discovered how to root my ZTE N817 quest. I looked allover used probably at least 20 programs the said they could root my device.

I found one that would give me temp root but it would just disappear and go back to un-rooted. here are the files you will need and how I did it...

1. download Tunesgo trial. here

2. make sure its not the other software that they have but Tunesgo software.

3. run program and connect your phone via USB cable.

4. after the program runs and detects your phone select toolbox from the menu, then select one-click root.

5. it took close to about 20 - 30 minutess to root my phone.

6 Almost done.... This will leave you with a temp root or a disappearing root.

7. right after it says your phone is rooted, the run a small batch file that I created that installs SU and busy box.

8 this must be done right after away after running Tunesgo.

after the batch file ends it will reboot you phone and you will be fully rooted..

Here is the link for my batch file to install SU and busy box

Let me know if this helps anyone...

Update (01/07/2017)

I pasted that reply from some other site. One thing to note , Wondershare never even finished the temp root. It had taken over 20 minutes and had kept restarting my phone. I just ran the batch file while it was still working on it and it worked like a charm! Never unplug your phone during any of these steps and make sure to run the batch file as an administrator. It will work.

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that does not help. Its all link bate.


This isn't link bait you idiot, it just worked perfect for me! Lol link bait, what a meat head rok7 . THANKS SO MUCH MIKE HAWK THIS WORKED AWESOME


I'm most of the way into this, Tunesgo fails around the 30 min mark. Then I saw the update saying when to do the .bat file. Questions:

Where are those files supposed to be placed?

Running as Admin is good, but then does it find the files to install?

Or do I have to have them somewhere non-obvious. I've had'em all over, no luck. I get how it's trying to work, makes perfect sense to me but the file locations on this ZTE make things confusing. Does Tunesgo even need to be run? What's it opening up to create the hole to slide this collection in there to do the root?

Thanks for the good stuff!

And whoever the clickbaiter idiot is, methinks you need to go back to being a master. Didn't hit anything.


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Can anyone verify the tunes wonder show go actually roots ZTE Quest? Alot of sites lie. I'm not trying to be ignorant. Just being safe from bricks

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cant make phonecalls on my zte n817

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did you root your n817?


Just rest the phone and good again


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Yes this does work 100%. I've had my N817 for over a year trying to root it, this method did it about a month ago, but I still haven't found a custom recovery yet. This is actually a very fast phone. It just has very low memory. It uses zram to enhance memory by default. I like to use swap on low ram devices, but this phone has issues with sd card, almost rendering the sd card useless. So I switched to internal drive swap.

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I want all the Wi-Fi codes

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Renny Rodriguez Cabrera

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  1. Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)* Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. **)J

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How do I get it off the safe mood please help me thank u

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There is currently no reliable way to root this phone without a computer. Here is a thread from XDA forums (I am a Sr member) that tells you what to do. I will warn you this phone may brick and become unbootable

My advice, toss this piece of junk and find a better $20 phone

Update (01/03/2018)

Here is a complete, tested method of rooting this. It's from XDA developers forum of which I am a Sr member

This is the ONLY guide I would trust. Matter of fact XDA (&Rootjunky.) are the ONLY places I trust for rooting and higher level tech advice.

I worked on this project a lot. It works. Be sure to follow the steps EXACTLY. I've had more people emailing me about bricking their devices than I can count.

One thing, when replacing the superuser, Kinguser (malware crap) be very careful because I don't know anyone who has been successful flashing factory firmware on this.

There are no custom ROMs I'm aware of for this. you can take a Nandroid backup, but you can't use it since this version of TWRP cannot see the SD card.

This phone is an old piece of garbage that is used in the Obama Phone programs. very slow and little storage. I smashed mine.

Better to find a plan that letz you bring your own phone to a carrier that will let you. I'm only aware of Safelink (350 min, unlimited text 1gb data free on progam, I spend $45/month for unlimited everything with them.

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backed up reset my zte still wont download google facebook or anything

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Hi all,Yup I have a ZTE-817 myself>the biggest POS i have ever seen,it does things when it's not supposed to, I'm positive it's schizophrenic,I'm hoping to give it Shock Therapy via usb to get to the root of the problem,anyway I hope this all works,Please be advised,,if I don't report back The phone has killed me.

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RE: whoopdeedo2012

I emphatically agree. (this phone is a P.O.S.) I DO hope you are not eliminated by this abomination. I have this phone and I couldn't list ALL the problems it has in this space provided!!! But my biggest/foremost problem is I cannot return it...yet. Trying to "correspond" with the provider (QLINK) is akin to pulling hen's teeth. I read in an earlier post someone suggested , in order to fix this phone, you should find the nearest garbage dump and bury it there (quote/unquote). I'm not even to the point where I can think about setting this phone up to my personal preferences. It's going back to QLink, some how- some way and I'll obtain a better phone elsewhere. DIE you commie ZTEN817!!!

Stay Sharp:



LOL yes I have until Febuary ,and I cant tell you how many times Ive said WHAT?Thank You for your condolences concerning the passing of my phone,I will bury it in my azzhole neighborer's back yard and call the police,I'm sure his house will be raided when they find it totally destroyed in a walmart bag,

take care



Whoooppppeeeee. Finally I "fixed" the ZTEn817. I RETURNED IT!!! Whew, I can't decide what was what was more aggravating; the phone or trying to return it. Anyways, my life will improve now that I'm rid of the P.O.S.

Stay Sharp:



Cool Rick but are you out of the contract?


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how can I take that voice command on my phone that it keeps showing up FTM

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Can you fix my power on my phone

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That took like 5 seconds on Google. Of course I wrote part of that guide too.

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The problem is getting King root off the phone and replacing it with a decent SU. It can brick one of these. We had to make our own custom ROM. We put a lot of hours into what is an absolute piece of crap phone.

My advice is to dump that phone and get a decent cheap phone.

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