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Why is my 55 inch LG TV turning off by itself?

While watching tv, it will shut off by itself. I have to unplug it wait a few minutes and plug it back in again, then it works again for awhile, then shuts off again. I have no idea why. I have it plugged into a power surge protector. I was gone away on vacation for 2 weeks and it was previously working fine, until I returned home. Now it shuts off by itself.

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I'm having this same problem. My TV is a LG 50PA4500-UFAUSLLHR

I'll try to upload a picture.


I can't upload a picture. When I press options, edit does not come up as a choice. Do I have to start a new thread with my question? I'm doing this on an IPad, does that matter? Thanks!


LG is the crappiest television on the market, I had this problem a few months after purchase, I tried to get engineers out to take a look, no chance there, it seemed to settle but now does it on a more regular basis, the scrapyard beckons. Lesson learnt DO NOT BUY LG AGAIN


Same problem with me. Both times I turn the power off going away on holiday, when I come back the LG tv switches off... i pull out all power chords and replace power boards.... last time I think i hit the tv a few times... or after a while it came back... pretty dodgy LG!


there's a forum on it here, looks like a LG problem...


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13 Answers

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@gwilliam could be an issue with failed capacitors on the power board or over heating. Your set shuts off because it goes into protection mode. It will definitely help if you can provide the exact model number. It might also be helpful if you post some images of all of your boards inside your TV with your question. That way we can see what you see. Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that.

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my lg is doing the same would you know what power board i would need to replace? 32LH20D


Shane Agnew, Looks like you need a Eax55176301 power supply board


Having same issue my LG turns on fine after a few min maybe 15, 20 min,tv goes off doesn't come back on till it wants to, I'm still sitting here waiting for it to come back on LMFAO..need I've had a plazma lg 50" thing is still running great got it about 12 years ago..I'm a lg product type of guy like there product but this smart lg TV is for $@$* right now.


having tha same problem what should i do


I'm having problems with my 55inch lg TV picture on screen goes blank but still has sound so I turne it off for a few minute then I turned it back on it starts to work for abit till it happens again can u pls help me what do


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My LG started turning on….then off….then on….and so on. I unplugged everything waited plugged just the tv back in and it kept doing it. So I went and got in front of the tv and it stopped so I figured it was batteries in one of the remotes. I was right the fire stick batteries were dead and that is Amazons stupid idea of telling me to change the batteries in the fire stick remote!!! I was mad thinking my tv was on the fritz contemplating buying a new tv. Problem solved CHECK YOUR BATTERIES.

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Thanks Jeff E…It’s definitely the Firestick batteries. I just pulled mine out and the problem stopped. The Firestick remote was causing the issues. Again, check that first before you do anything else. I cannot tell you why the remote from the Firestick was cutting the TV off because I did not have the synced together but it was. I removed the batteries and viola’!!!!


Same here. It never happened with our old Firestick, but we recently got a new one. Replaced the batteries, tv is now functioning normally!


This helped for me too. I removed batteries from the fire stick remote. If it wasn't for disney+ I wouldn't have bought a stupid firestick. I should have known better. Anyway I knew my TV was still good.


It worked! Thank you so much! You just saved me from buying a new TV!


Same here it was the batts in fire stick



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If you have another device attached to your tv check the batteries on the remote, we had the same issue with a firestick after battery replacement it was fine

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Only happens to me when watching live TV like sports. I could game all night long or watch app movies and such with no problems. While watching live sports I'm wondering if it's a connection thing with the channel. I have Cox gigablast and tv is hard wired for max speed. My PS5 is hard wired as well and get over 800mb download speed so it can't be an internet issue. Wasn't a battery issue for me, replaced and still no result.


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I just a bought a LG 55" tv real cheap as it had this same problem switching off after 10ish minutes. Took back cover off and noticed the heatsink for the graphics card part was quite hot. Put a fan against it and bingo problem gone. Terrible thermal design in the tv. I cut a hole then glued a little USB silent computer fan to the back cover (I butchered a laptop cooler stand for the fan). When the tv is turned on it powers up the fan, when tv is off, its off. So stoked!

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I’ve had my LG 55” TV 2 years last night it started powering OFF every 5 seconds when I turned it On. I checked the power cable, disconnected all HDMI inputs (cable box , blu ray player and Echo Cube). This had no effect. I replaced the batteries in each remote control. When I replaced the batteries in the Echo Cube remote it stopped.  The batteries in the Eco Cube remote were half dead which was causing the remote to send out power Off commands to the LG TV.  The TV has been working fine ever since. I hope this helps.

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I have Lg oled 55 inche it's on and after 1 minutes automatic power off

And press button and on and of in 1 minutes under time what problem


@Moìn Salot MS have you checked any of the solutions mentioned here? What have you checked? What is the exact model number for your TV?


model LG60PH6700 keeps powering off and on every few seconds. Tried powering off and on, tried turning it on with a roku remote and with the LG remote that came with the TV. come on for 10-15 seconds and it shut off and won't turn back on not even the power light


Well eventually my tv just came back on after 2 days of no tv, d tv screen had to hot for to tv to come one, it wasn't no other problem, when ever d tv get cold it keep shutting on and off every 2 seconds, I really got to have it check


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Double check the fuse in the plug. Mine was a 10amp fuse, but on the plug says it was meant to be a 13amp one. So I changed it and had no problem since.

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I had went through the settings, I remember a update maybe a month ago to the tv when I turned it on, then it seemed to start after that. I went through the settings and sleep timer was off but there was another setting under sleep timer said on but greyed out, so I turned sleep timer on to turn the other setting off then turned sleep timer back off. Then under HDMI there was something I felt not needed so turned it off and so far it stayed off when I took a nap today my son said it was off when he came down to play ps4 on the other tv. I use the 55" for the house security cameras only. I will see how it goes and if it does it again I will look into that fuse, if there is one in my cord


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I had the same pro with a LG tv but changed the batteries in my Amazon fire stick and the problem was solved. It sounds unreal but the tv returned to normal

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Its the been wondering for months why my TV keeps turning off and on. I live in dallas and it was 111° today..I noticed everytime I opened my front door the TV would shut off as soon as the heat came thru..shut thr door and get the room nice and cold doesnt shut off one time...

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I turned my air up to 74 and within 5 minutes the TV shut off..turn air back to 69..hasnt turned off once..


The TV should not be that sensitive to temperature changes that small. If you can, try blowing any dust out of it. Even better, open up the back and make sure all dust has been removed. The TV should function fine in room temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. If it doesn't it may be an indication of eminent component failure (capacitors most likely).




what make and exact model is your TV?


That’s what my tv does!! I’m in Odessa Tx !


My 72" tv turns of a back on again when the screen goes dark any ideas, lg customer service had no idea, tried all the switch on off etc and new batteries, it's fine when the program is showing anything in light like sports but no chance watching a horror


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Hi I had the same problem with two LG TV`s , tried everything. I did thing of dumping the TV`s and getting different make. Until I changed media sharing. It`s deferentially a network issue I removed the LG TV from my home network media sharing from PC & Laptop, so I blocked media sharing to LG TV and the TV has been perfect since.

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How do you do this? The TV in our bedroom suddenly started to turn on and off, so we brought the TV from the living room into our bedroom (same model, bigger screen) and it’s doing the same thing. If you take the TV out of the room, it works fine!


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If you have an Amazon fire stick plugged into the tv try putting new batteries in your Amazon remote control. It’s a “feature” to let you know when the batteries are low…

terrible feature…

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I've got an older model but never had the turning off and on problem before. Was prepared for it being time for new TV but did some searching first. Sure enough, one of the batteries had exploded in one of the remotes. Changed the batteries, same problem. Took batteries out of magic eye remote to see if that would make TV work - nothing doing, put batteries back. Tried cooling TV down, dusting the back, checked the fuse in the plug. Nothing. Then decided to change the batteries in the magic eye remote - and that worked! So problem has come with a recent software update but at least I know now. Just change all the batteries!

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I brought a certain android box, and a couple months my tv started shutting on and off, d remote for d android box just keeps blinking constantly, seems as though this new box affected my TV, I have this TV for years no problems, had a2 other android boxes never had TV problems, as soon as I purchase this cheap box problems began, TV just keeps coming on and off every 2 seconds


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I just had this start happening and am glad I found this thread. My Nvidia remote (which we haven’t used in a year) needed new batteries and it was close to the tv. As soon as I took them out, the tv stopped turning off and on. Such a bizarre feature!

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My issue was definitely temperature-related. I eliminated all of the other variables (no Fire Stick, no remotes with low batteries, removed all cables except HDMI which I replaced with a new cable, reset TV to factory settings, tested a variety of video sources) and all it took was moving the TV away from the wall a foot or so so that air could flow behind it. Instant fix. Haven't tried replacing the fuse yet as suggested, mainly because I couldn't find one easily accessible (i.e. not behind the hatch that the power cable goes into.)

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