Suction too strong on DC41
The suction is so strong that on thicker carpet it is almost impossible to push the vac through the carpet. Just started doing this recently, washed the filters and still have the problem.
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The suction is so strong that on thicker carpet it is almost impossible to push the vac through the carpet. Just started doing this recently, washed the filters and still have the problem.
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There are several very good suggestion on this link:
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It's not just Dyson. I have Kenmore Elite Crossover 800series. It worked fine, but now it is nearly impossible to use on carpets. Suction is 1000%. I adjust height level and suction amt, but it's not enough.
Brushes roll. I checked.
What can I do?
Our Dyson small ball total care just returned from factory, under warrantee, and problem was put down to "Post filter not properly fitted. Action: Post filter refitted." Checked on this, and was told that the Post filter was not fully screwed in. This is hard to believe, but machine is now working better than it ever has before.
Worth a try!
@joger thanks so much, this worked for me!
For the Dyson at least, you can remove the sole plate from the base (just use a nickle or something, turn the 2 or 3 sloted “keys”, and pop the plate off). Around the edge, you will see a black foam rubber strip. That strip is an unnecessary item, and you can just pull it out. Replace the sole plate. Now, the suction (and moving air) can get out a little around the sides, makes it stick to the floor a little less.
As to why the suction has increased from what it once was, I don’t know. Perhaps the motors gain RPMs with age as they wear down, but that’s just a small guess.
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Miles- not all heroes wear capes- THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!
I was so !#^&@@ at this vacuum- so expensive and couldn't even use on carpet- talk about a design flaw. I was worried I'd have no suction at all if I cut out that gasket. Nope, works like a charm. Thanks again man.
PS- My model didn't have the screws, it had two red tabs located on the back of the bottom plate.
This fixed mine also. Dyson Animal 2. To get the floor plate off, I had to flip the two grey tabs on the back.
Thank you so much for this post!! I was so upset with my new Dyson Ball Animal 2 because on our carpet that is medium pile, it wouldn't hardly budge! Worked great on the hardwood. I removed the black rubber on just the sides of the base plate and it works wonderfully now! Still with great suction, but not so much that it wont move! I also had to flip the two grey tabs on the back to open it. Sad that this expensive of a vacuum isn't perfect upon arrival...Thanks again!!!
Hi! How did you remove the rubber part?
That was the perfect fix. The way I removed the side gasket was to remove the adjuster plate and then take some small scissors and cut the rubber gasket out of the sides only. The vacuum still has plenty of suction power and you can actually use it now on dense low plush carpets without breaking a sweat.
Seems lots of lots of fixes. Here is mine i just tried. Works well with no damage to the vacuums head. The zip ties restrict the vacuums seal to drop all the way. Reducing vacuum and allowing a much easier push/pull. See the pic and remove the bottom seal and add 2 ties per the photo. Put it together and try. This is my first attempt and larger ties could also be used. I hope this helps.
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Looks like my answer from a year ago or so. Dyson gave me a new head for free when I complained.
many thanks for taking the time to post this with the pictures.. I tried the O ring method and it did not work.. I wanted to try the zip tie method but could not figure out what people were talking about until i saw your pictues.. Many Thanks.. This worked..
Ours is an Animal 2 so it is slightly different - but you just find the piece doing the same job of allowing the "self-adjusting" head to float and stop it. You might experiment w/the size of ziptie for best results.
Thank you! We had tried the removal of the gasket, the filter alignment, and our own attempts until this one worked. It is reducing the suction some so it doesn't clean quite as well but it is still pretty good!
used 2 (per side) small zipties because that is what i had. we can at least move the vacuum. washed the filter. waiting for it to dry. may buy a new one, hadn't washed it ever. this was the answer for me. thanks
New carpet, same problem. Customer service no help at all. But….
Heck yeah! Zip ties work!
P.s. we have a Slim Ball Animal. We were all set to buy a $99 Shark, which
we know works on plush carpets. Thank you Barry!
Before removing part of the black rubber bellows it may be worth cleaning the narrow channel behind the slotted lower section at the back of the baseplate. I found this to be compacted with a fair amount of debris that I removed with a toothpick and an old toothbrush. This greatly improved the ease of vacuuming on thicker carpets.
April 2020 - Neil
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Mine was right out of the box- ZERO debris.. No disrespect, It’s a design flaw.
James, same with mine.right out of the box.
Mum has been complaining about the suction being too strong on her carpets for months. She has a DC50. Convinced them to cut just one of the side black panels out! Bingo, she’s happy and can hoover again. Thanks for the suggestion, glad they listened to me :o)
Design flaw. The head needs to be height adjustable.
Well all these adjustments may work but if you accidentally break it all bets are off! I would take it in through Dyson Manufacturer or back to the store for a refund. All these posts could be steering you in the wrong direction so that you cannot return it or etc!
I too had this issue (my wife said return it) and I resolved it by using ty-straps at opposite corners. This way I wasn’t interfering with the wheels and I wasn’t physically damaging the head unit. I called support and they sent me a new head (see pic) this one works fine. I am guessing the perpendicular open slits on each end is the reason. It is a smaller head width\depth wise, so I guess if you are still under warranty call and complain and maybe they will send you a new head.
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Bad customer service by Dyson. "sorry your expensive vacuum doesn't work due to the fact we did not include an adjustment for different piles of carpet"
"I can help, let me sell you yet another vacuum"
Kind Regards to you Dyson.
Kimberly I so agree with you that is a rotten answer from the company! Other less expensive vacuums have the ability to slide open a port to allow air in thereby reducing the vacuum to acceptable labels. I.e. DESIGN FLAW. Luckily there are several easy fixes later on in the feed.
This worked for me - but I’m considering the suggestion to drill holes in the side if the plate if the zip ties fall off etc. I would NOT remove the rubber gasket because the airflow will not be from the bottom of the plate (where the dirt is).
WWilliams you have the solution - Dyson just needs to make limit tabs shorter. I think they should be able to afford a new mold.
Performance of the vacuum is 100% better.
Just acquired a DC 42 same problems,so I took a gamble on drilling 4x 4.5mm holes on the side of the brush bar head, 2 on each side,and this has resolved the problem. Shame Dyson didn't put an adjustable vent on the sides. Cheep free fix. Now vacuum up without putting my back out.
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Hello Ed,
Thank you for contacting Dyson.
The Animal 2 is our most powerful vacuum and you will find it difficult to push on mid to high thread carpets and rugs. We would advise you to contact your carpet manufacturer if the carpet is still under a warranty, before using the machine. Some manufacturers will void the warranty if you use our powerful machine.
Please note that if the suction is too strong there is nothing we can do to lessen it. We can only recommend getting a model with lesser suction power like the Cinetic Big ball Animal + Allergy
And since you are a current Dyson owner we can give you a 20% discount off the retail price of that Cinetic Big Ball model.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reply back to this email. Thank you very much for your time.
Kind regards,
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since this is a known design flaw why dont they do a recall and install a low/high power swith?
Pari's response lacks credibility. The design engineers got it wrong or more likely they got it right but the accountants came along and ruined it. What are the chances of finding another vacuum cleaner which cannot cope with a carpet. It can be redesigned or better still, rather than trying to flog people another vacuum, provide people with a conversion or modification kit. It just lacks the will to do so. If home DIY'ers can improvise a crude but effective fix, why can't Dyson. Come on Dyson, pull your socks up and sort it.
We have the same problem. I agree with the previous post that this is a design flaw and should be corrected. When you read the specifications prior to purchase, there is no indication of suction issues on carpet. Dyson should provide either a "fix" or replacement head. The reply from Pari is just a way to avoid the cost of a fix or sell another vacuum.
My Dyson's suction was to strong from day one on our low thread large room carpet, only worked bare floor. I will try the hack of removing black rubber seal on foot plate.
Mine sucks down on hardwood flooring and I just cannot move it...😓
This vacuum sucks - too much. I am almost 70 years old with Psoriatic Arthritis. I don’t think I should have to figure this out. Dyson should fix the problem.
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Can someone send me a picture of the gasket that needs removed.
Just got our new Dyson Animal 2 today. Works fine on hardwood and low pile carpet. I can barely push it on my other carpet. For something so expensive, I expect better. We had and old Dyson DC 28. It allowed you to choose what height you wanted. This one needs the same if the suction is so much more powerful. Not happy.
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can someone post a picture of the part your talking about removing?
Absolutely right!! Who in the heck invented this vacuum and that’s not ALL!! Try pulling the hose out of the machine to use the so called attachments. The hose will not extend to complete the job it keeps retracting back!! It is useless!! This one’s going back!! Make sure you read all reviews before you purchase. Check out your carpet pile although I’ve never had a vacuum as completely non functional as this one! Had a shark upright for 10 yrs worked great!!
For the Animal 2 its the filter in the ball. Have had it happen twice if the arrows are not aligned it will drag. Once I make sure that is right and that the cover is not too tight it works fine. It is a design flaw. I had an old Dyson and never should have gotten rid of it.
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What arrows? I just bought an animal 2 and can’t get it to move on carpets.
Thank you!! That has just fixed mine! Arrows were only marginally off, but it made a huge difference!
OMG! This fixed ours!!! Had the same problem described: suction on higher pile carpet too strong from the first day we purchased. Vacuuming with it was a workout. My husband opened the ball, took out the filter, put it back and now it works fine. Thank you for posting this. 😊
We had this problem with our DC 33 Cyclone that was 12 years old. The rubber wears down with age and so the accordion-shaped rubber expands/drops down a few millimeters overtime and suddenly you can’t vacuum rugs. Ours wouldn’t even vacuum on Ruggables which are super thin rugs!
I didn’t see a black strip to remove on mine, it was a full rubber gasket that I did not want to cut off. So, found another solution!
If you don’t want to cut the gasket, use high quality flat rubber bands and wrap them around the very edges of the sole plate to push the hanging rubber gasket back up. I used these flat beer charm bands we had leftover from our wedding - you can buy here Make sure you put it on the very edges of the sole plate before you hit the rotating round brush tube on the inside! And keep the rubber circle on the upper edge so it doesn’t drag on the floor and cause friction. A large flat rubber band would also probably work but you might have to replace it every few months if they snap easily.
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I just put together my daughter’s new Dyson Ball Animal 2 and vacuumed her house while she was at work. I think she will be disappointed to find that she cannot use her Dyson on her Ruggable rugs. It did fine on her floors and other rugs. I also found the wand and hose awkward to use.
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Well after the Cat 5 hurricane we replaced the carpets with new deep pile. And I am 6 ft tall 185# in good shape and I’ll be darned if I could get our Dyson Ball Animal 2 to move without it being a SERIOUS workout. Our house keeper just can not use it. Read all the posts there are several solutions.
I did not want to permanently modify so I tried the wire tie suggestion by williams and Barry Armitage.
Fist pic shows the wire tie on the back posts and on the bottom right you can see the red locking lever in the unlocked position. Just opposite on the left you can see the socket where the locking pin goes in.
The next photo shows the pin partially inserted to where I met resistance.
The next shows my forefinger and thumb squeezing together to seat the pin all the way. Very important because if you use the red lever to try and lock it you risk breaking the plastic piece. It should be every easy to rotate the locking lever.
Final photo show the pin all the way in and the lever rotated to the locked position.
House keeper is now happy with vacuuming all 3 rooms w/ deep pile carpets.
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A million thanks to the people who posted about the zip ties. Same situation with new, thicker pile carpet and couldn't push the vacuum. That fix worked on an older animal ball vacuum. Myself and my 3 cats 🐈 thank you.
My DC40 recently had a new internal hose fitted, the old one had split in half and as a result of the repair the vacuum effect was increased substantially back original level, so much so it was extremely difficult to use on carpets. Rather than taking rubber gasket out, I removed the head and found that it contained massive amounts of dust that prevented the rubber gasket working correctly. Once cleaned the vacuum worked like new, easy to push on carpets and cleaned effectively. I suspect the reduced vacuum effect over the years had lead to the build up of dust and debris in the head, once removed all was good.
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Any type carpet the only thing I use it for is hard wood and concrete floors and hose accessories. The other model dv7 has suction control that allows carpet vacuuming. Otherwise look else where to spend your money .
by Abegonzo33
dyson dc41 internal hose does not seal
by Vicente Rios
Dyson dc41 internal hose does not seal. The hose is not broken. It just doesn't seal to the brush or to the manual Hose.
by Vicente Rios