little gaps between screen and home button
Hi so i asked a similar question to this before and i replaced the screen two times and still the the gaps appear so now i have purchased a rubber gasket for the home button because i think its my button because that rubber gasket still doesn’t fit or goes around it but im still going to try and hopefully it can fix it but as of now it does not fit and im thinking that maybe its like originally like that or i just damaged the home button some how but the home button still works perfectly fine touch id works fine to so at this point this has halted my project of fixing my 8 plus for a couple months now and i really dont know what to do can maybe some one try to put their iPhone 8 plus home button on there screen and shine a light from behind and see if there are any gaps because it may just be like that from the factory but i dont really know if some one can solve this i will be really grateful thanks.
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