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Repair information for the Creality Ender 3 Pro--an upgraded version of the Ender 3 3D printer, made by Creality. Released in September of 2018. Model number: Ender 3 Pro.

17 Questions View all

Why isn’t my printer printing correctly.

I’ve made everything leveled and every time i try to print the filament bunches up at the nozzle. I’ve had it for a month and I’ve just been struggling to actually get it going.

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Its tough to determine the issue without a little more information. What filament are you using? At what temperature are you trying to print? Is the bed itself leveled ?(not warped , some ender 3s have this issue) What methods have you tried to level the bed?

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Youtube and facebook forums helped me a lot when i first started. Teaching tech, chris's Basement,3D printing nerd, Chep, and Makers Muse are some of the guys that help me a lot during my 3D printing journey.


Agreed, without some more information (and / or photos), it's going to be impossible to diagnose.


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3D printing is definitely not plug and play. The main factors of a successful print are:

  1. Proper bed. Type of bed and adhesion “glue”. This might be a PEI bed, which means a proper cleaning and bed temperature for the material used. Or it might be painters tape or hair spray on a glass bed.
  2. First layer height. This is a combination of slicer first layer height configuration and nozzle distance to bed after a Z homing, controlled by the Z endstop.
  3. Temp of hotend. This depends on material used, speed of printing and size of print.
  4. Speed of print. This is limited by the printer mechanics, and should be set based on:

## The quality of print desired = slower for fine detail

  1. The size of the print = faster for large prints with less detail.
  2. Layer height. Smaller for fine detail,
  3. Nozzle diameter. Larger for large layer heights. Most prints can be accomplished with a 0.4mm nozzle. I also like 0.3mm especially for finer detail and smaller layer heights.
  4. A level bed. This will cause a varying first layer as an immediate indication. It will also cause head crashes in extreme cases.

Bunching of filament at nozzle would indicate that the filament is not adhering to the bed. This is most likely caused by the nozzle distance to the bed being too large. When you home Z, place a piece of paper, about 0.1mm thick, under the nozzle. You should just feel the nozzle grabbing the paper as you try to pull it out. Otherwise, adjust your Z endstop till it is correct.

If the distance is correct, the layer height might be too small, but that is least likely.

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