Orange juice spill on laptop
Hi,I recently poured orange juice on my laptop while it was on and it won’t turn back on.What should I do and do I need to replace anything?
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Hi,I recently poured orange juice on my laptop while it was on and it won’t turn back on.What should I do and do I need to replace anything?
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You should unplug it, not try to use it again and if youre technically savvy tear the laptop down and clean it out.
its going to be quite the endeavor if youve never done it before. thankfully there isa teardown guide on iFixit
Asus Rog GL55VW-DH71 Disassembly
youre going to need the tools listed in the guide plus stuff to clean the computer out. i would say a BUNCH of Q-Tips and 90% rubbing alcohol.
while youre in the computer you should be looking for components that are blown.
take a look here.
if you find anything like this it will more than likely need to be changed. so either you can do it by soldering new stuff on or you can send the board out to someone like northridgefix on YT to fix it for you. (for a charge of course)
hopefully you can get it cleaned out and fixed! thankfully if you have anything important on it odds are the Hard drive will be okay.
good luck! i hope this helps!
Side note: if you ever spill something on an electronic again, be sure to power it off ASAP! dont try and leave it on and save files and all that. it should be powered down immediately! that will help minimize the amount of damage done to SMD components. for a laptop as an example. pull the power cord and the battery to cut the power.
One thing that ive heard people doing i taking a flat tub and filling it with warm water that way you can soak the board and get all the juice off. ive used a soft SOFT bristle tooth brush to lightly scrub the bad areas
then you take that same bin, bry it out and fill it enough with isopropyl to cover the board and let it so for a couple hours and after that take it out and use some canned air (being careful around smaller components) and dry the board off with the air. and let it sit for a day to completely dry it out.
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Hi Insxne.:
Along with the suggestions of Logixal and bill, I would (also) first recommend (1) a careful teardown and then (2) a thorough cleaning of the mainboard and keyboard.
For the cleaning part, I recommend using isopropyl alcohol (90%) in combination with a brush. Make sure to also treat areas where the liquid might have creeped into. The isopropyl alcohol will pull out any water remains and will take care of any stickiness. And, after having dried the motherboard (at least for 24 hours), there will be no remains of any water.
Another suggestion: Look for any fuse on the mainboard. Maybe one blew. You might work with the schematic diagram/PCB layout for this mainboard in order to identify where the fuses are located on your mainboard. Or, in order to identify fuses on your mainboard, you can also try to identify fuses on a different mainboard first. For example, this is a mainboard of a Lenovo T420. All fuses soldered onto the mainboard are labeled with the letter “F”. The label “F01”, for example (for fuse #1), is also printed on the mainboard. So, a visual check of your mainboard might be a first good step to see if one of the fuses blew due to an electrical short caused by the liquid.
I hope this helps.
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I use 99.8% pure isopropyl alcohol.
OK, first thing is any liquid but pure water is corrosive. Second is any liquid is conductive.
Powering up a wet device is almost certain to cause things to conduct that should not. Sometimes, just letting them sit for days will dry it out and it will work again. Other times, the power up when wet will destroy them.
If the liquid is corrosive, coke, salt water, etc. they must be immediately totally rinsed out with fresh water and agitation and thoroughly dried. If the liquid dries on there it will corrode things and kill the device.
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