Why it’s continuously blinking in red
Hi my mice started to blink continuously in red I tried to charge it and I tested individually without the battery, so it’s no the battery, it’s look like a permanent dead or is having a short circuit
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Hi Antonio!. Did you find a solution? I have the same issue. Please let me know if you find a fix
by Nahuel Palavecino
Unfortunately no , even in instructables or Reddit I haven't had luck, maybe if I upload more images of each piece separately some one can help us
by Antonio Cardenas
@antoniocardenas @nahuelpala58349 pictures will definitely help. I would have a look at the USB C port also. especially if the behavior is the same whether it's plugged in or not
by Alisha C
I encounter the same problem too. I checked the battery, and it is fine. I don't know what's going on.
by Sunny Li