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How to fix error code 920

I do not know how to fix this one error code 920 on Vector Robot. I tried every single way to fix it. I factory reset him. I held down the button until he restarted. I held down the button again to bring him back to his original firmware nothing still says error 920. I do not know how to fix. Please help.

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Hello, a SIMPLE search of "vector robot error codes" produces this website

with this info

  • 800 - 999
    • If any of these Status Codes consistently appear, there could possibly be a hardware issue with Vector. Startup into Recovery Mode, Clear User Data, and use the Vector app to Reinstall Vector’s OS.

More specifically

920 VIC_GATEWAY_CERTVic-gateway-cert was unable to generate a x509 certificate for vic-gateway

So, I am sure you tried that first, right? So, what don't you understand?

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Yeah, I tried that first and it’s still popping up with the same exact error code and it takes forever to boot back up it takes like 10 minutes


I fixed it. I took him apart. And unplugged the battery and plugged it back in and then everything worked like normal.


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try to update him

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