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Mouse Does Not Turn On
The mouse does not connect to the computer and the top light is not lit up.
Low battery
The light on the top of the mouse should be lit up with a solid green light. If it is not lit up, try turning the mouse on and off. If the LED does not light up, or has a very weak or flashing light, you may need to Replace the Battery.
Dead battery
The most likely reason that the device does not turn on is a dead battery. You will need to replace the AA battery. To replace the battery, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Battery.
LED does not light up
The LED on top of the mouse does not light up; however, the mouse is connected to the computer and everything else on the mouse is working and responsive.
Connectivity problems
Due to the USB connection between the computer and the mouse, restarting the computer may resolve connectivity issues with the mouse.
Low battery
A low battery could cause the LED to become very dim or erratic due to low power. The battery may need to be replaced. To replace the battery, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Battery.
Unresponsive scroll wheel
The cursor does not respond, or responds erratically, to scrolling or pressing the scroll wheel.
Mouse is not turned on
Use the button on the bottom of the mouse to restart the device. Refer to "Mouse Does Not Turn On" if the mouse will not turn on.
Connectivity problems
Due to the USB connection between the computer and the mouse, restarting the computer may resolve connectivity issues with the mouse.
Dirty scroll wheel
A dirty scroll wheel may be the cause of an unresponsive mouse. Dirt and dust could be trapped between the wheel and the wheel’s sensor. To clean the scroll wheel, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Scroll Wheel to remove the scroll wheel and clean it.
Broken scroll wheel
If none of the above solutions work, the scroll may simply be broken or defective. To replace the scroll wheel, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Scroll Wheel.
Unresponsive buttons
One or both buttons do not respond, or respond erratically, to button presses. Buttons are difficult to press.
Mouse is not turned on
Use the button on the bottom of the mouse to restart the device. "Refer to Mouse Does Not Turn On" if the mouse will not turn on.
Connectivity problems
Due to the USB connection between the computer and the mouse, restarting the computer may resolve connectivity issues with the mouse.
Dirty buttons
Dirty buttons may be the cause of an unresponsive mouse. Dirt and dust could be trapped between a button and the button’s sensor. To clean the buttons, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Buttons to remove the buttons and clean them.
Broken buttons
If none of the above solutions work, the buttons may simply be broken or defective. To replace the buttons, please refer to the repair guide Replacing the Buttons.
Cursor moves erratically
The cursor does not follow the mouse's moves exactly and moves randomly across the screen or shakes.
Signal interference
Use a mousepad or non-static surface to prevent interference
Dirty lens
Make sure that no dust/dirt is covering the lenses by cleaning the lens surface
Dirty mousepad
Make sure that the mousepad or surface in use is free of dust/dirt by cleaning it with the appropriate materials
Cursor is unresponsive when mouse is moved
The cursor on screen does not move when the physical mouse is moved or is slow to respond.
Mouse is not turned on
Use the button on the bottom of the mouse to restart the device. Refer to Mouse Does Not Turn On if the mouse will not turn on.
Receiver is disconnected
Make sure that the receiver is firmly connected to the computer, or simply reconnect the device
Laser Amplifier is dirty
Make sure that the laser is at proper strength by using the guide Replacing the Laser Amplifier to remove and clean the laser amplifier.
Faulty USB connection
Connect the receiver to a different USB port and move the mouse to check for any changes. If the problem persists try connecting the mouse to a different computer.
Connectivity problems
Due to the USB connection between the computer and the mouse, restarting the computer may resolve connectivity issues with the mouse.
Device is not detected
The operating system does not automatically detect the device.
Mouse is turned off
Use the button on the bottom of the mouse to restart the device. Refer to Mouse Does Not Turn On if the mouse will not turn on.
USB not fully connected
The USB connector may only have a partial or intermittent connection to the computer. Remove the USB connector from the computer’s USB port and wait for a few moments. Reconnect the USB connector and ensure it is fully inserted into the computer’s USB port. If the device is still to detected, move the USB connector to a different USB port.
Connectivity problems
Due to the USB connection between the computer and the mouse, restarting the computer may resolve connectivity issues with the mouse. There may be power problems with the Circuit Board replace the circuit board using the guide Circuit Board Replacement
I use logitech mouse M215 and keyboad K330 with one nano receiver toghether.
Now i have trouble only mouse. When i turn on mouse the scroll bar it run up down without control, I cannot use mouse in this case.
I have just changed new battery, and keyboad use ok.
How can i fix this trouble ?
hoangtuyen20002002 - Reply
I have M215 and K330 (MK320 combo). Keyboard is just fine, this message was typed with it. Mouse, on the other hand, does not even turn on. The computer sees it but Logitech Unifying Software says that the device's status is unknown, battery status is unknown, I cannot control the computer with that mouse either. Ideas?
Danylo Mirin - Reply
i have a brand new M215; new battery also. It turns on, green light for a few seconds and then goes off. red light on bottom does not turn on, yet the buttons work fine and the cursor will not move. Suggestions?
virgomale66 - Reply
yeah i have the same problem
Pouch Martinez -
My M215 mouse moves the cursor but does not work the click buttons, I’m using in conjunction with K 330 keyboard, how should I fix this?
Patricio Arias - Reply